12 Days of Christmas Day 10 Giveaway! (Jan. 3, 2023)

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Welcome to DAY 10 of our 12 Days of Christmas celebration!

For our 10th Day Of Christmas giveaway, we are doing a GIVEAWAY of one $100 Pixie Faire Gift Card to one lucky winner. The gift card can be used towards any item available on the Pixie Faire website. Woot, Woot!

Maybe you'll use your gift card to buy a new pattern to use to practice a new sewing skill! Need some ideas? The Sewing Techniques collection of courses available in Sewing With Cinnamon span from basic beginner level tutorials and projects to more advanced skills designed to challenge you! 

Wondering what types of technique tutorials are included?

Here's a peek at that video:

  • Lace Applique demonstrated on the Starlight Gala pattern and the Aviator Jacket pattern
  • Basic Hand Embroidery with demonstrations to add something special to  a pair of jeans!
  • Smocking for dolls done by hand using the Katya pattern.
  • Hemming Techniques with an emphasis on using decorative stitches demonstrated on the Jeans, Lace Overlay Top, Spring Dirndl, and Open Pelisse & Regency Dress patterns.
  • Creating pleats with demonstrations using the Plated Skirt and Cosplay Day Dress patterns.
  • Creating pintucks with demonstrations using the Boomerit Falls Dress pattern.
  • and so much more...

    There are so many technique based video tutorials available in Sewing With Cinnamon and the streaming platform make it so easy to watch at any time from anywhere! Look for us on Roku and watch anytime on your TV!


    ENTER TO WIN A $100 Pixie Faire Gift Card!



    To enter this week's contest, simply click the link below and then enter through the giveaway widget at the bottom of the blog post, there are many things you can do to earn multiple entry points!

    Contest Details: You enter through the entry form that is embedded on this page and appears just below this paragraph, if you don't see it, be sure to visit the page from your desktop or an alternate browser such as Google Chrome. It may not appear on all mobile devices. The complete rules and entry details appear on the entry form. This is not a comment contest - in other words, leaving a comment on the bottom of this page is not an official entry method. The only required entry method is to leave a comment under this post and then confirm that you did it in the contest widget. One person will receive the gift card. You can enter once, or gain multiple entries by completing the other entry methods and increase your chances of winning. Please review all Terms and Conditions on the giveaway page before entering. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Pixie Faire and Sewing With Cinnamon. 

    a Rafflecopter giveaway



    Commenting below and confirming your entry in the widget above gives you one entry method, the other methods are listed in the widget above, be sure to enter in as many ways as you can to receive the maximum amount of entries to win the prize! 


    Entry method #1, comment on this blog post finishing the following sentence…

    “My biggest sewing challenge is ________.” Tell us why :)

    Comments must be left (on this blog post) by midnight (pacific) on Tuesday, 1/3/2023.

    The widget will be updated the following day with the first name of the winner. The winner will be contacted at the email provided when entering.

    Additionally, by commenting, you agree to allow us to use your comments for future promotional activities. In other words – we might quote you when we are putting together new testimonial pages. If you’re not okay with that – don’t leave a comment.


    Okay, good luck, and if we’ve forgotten anything we will modify and/or update this post as needed.

    We hope you enjoy our 12 Days Of Christmas Celebration. We are incredibly grateful for your ongoing support and wish you a happy holiday season, and a terrific new year!

    Happy New Year!

    Cinnamon & Pixie Faire Team



    DellaSue Sheline
    DellaSue Sheline

    December 26, 2023

    My biggest challenge is to find enough time to sew. Some one tries to interrupt me all the time!

    Marie Doris King
    Marie Doris King

    January 04, 2023

    Sewing patterns that doesn’t make since.


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is having dedicated space to do sewing & craft projects.


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is the cost of fabric these days.


    January 04, 2023

    My challenge is finding the time to sew


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge – feeling that I HAVE TO FINISH whatever project I’m working on before starting another.


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest challenge is finding all the items I need when I decide to start to create new doll clothes and shoes. I have lots of ideas but it is finding all the right stuff when you want to create!!


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenging is finding the time to actually sit down and sew


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is thinking I need to get everything else done before I can sew.

    Nancy McAllister
    Nancy McAllister

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is collars. It is hard to see sometimes where I’m at.

    Roxanna J Khoury
    Roxanna J Khoury

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is overcoming my tendency towards perfection. If it doesn’t go quite right but looks good, I have a tendency to take a part and make right. It’s terrible being a perfectionist.

    Sue L
    Sue L

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is getting the right fit for my granddaughter’s dolls. I have an Alexander doll to use for fitting and they have AG dolls, which are thicker in the body. Many patterns fit both just fine, but I have numerous patterns that are labeled for AG, but are just too skimpy to fit!

    Norma Middendorf
    Norma Middendorf

    January 04, 2023

    I’d like to see a see along for the Victorian spats or any other shoes.

    Marjorie Brown
    Marjorie Brown

    January 04, 2023

    Finding the time for sewing!

    Jan T
    Jan T

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is to stop sewing when I start and tend to other needs


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is keeping my thread organized.

    Kathy Loegering
    Kathy Loegering

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is sewing slippery fabrics like knits, silk, plush and the likes.


    January 04, 2023

    I struggle with sewing knit fabrics. I appreciate hints and comments from more experienced seamstresses and am slowly getting better. 🤞

    Lorraine M
    Lorraine M

    January 04, 2023

    I find it hard to make the time to sew, and as soon as I do, something always seems to come up that needs my attention.


    January 04, 2023

    …making little collars stay flat.


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is sewing with slippery satin type fabrics

    Rita C
    Rita C

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is sewing from a picture! I have the Etsy shop AdollablebyRita and customers often send pictures of custom orders they want sewn.


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is having enough to time and space to start projects!

    Elaine R
    Elaine R

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge Is I have so many ideas on what I want to make, just deciding which to do and finishing it.

    Allison C
    Allison C

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is sewing often enough to develop my skills. I love to sit down and tackle a new pattern, but then I don’t get around to sewing again for months. Everything I remembered (or learned) is tucked back in the recesses of my crafty brain…

    Becky P
    Becky P

    January 04, 2023

    I enjoy the challenge of finding the fabrics that look good together to make an awesome outfit.


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is deciding what to make with the fabric I have. Also, I don’t love cutting out the patterns…


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is working with my serger.


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is navigating my overloaded sew room.

    Rose Elliott
    Rose Elliott

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is knits.


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest challenge is time. Finding time to decide what to make, gather supplies, cut & sew, feels impossible at times. Life pulls us all in many directions.


    January 04, 2023

    “My biggest sewing challenge is making shoes for the dolls.

    Gina Reiley
    Gina Reiley

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is me. I have issues starting a project and finishing it. I always doubt that I am doing it right. So I have a pile of unfinished garments. I did make a blanket.

    Shirley Camidge
    Shirley Camidge

    January 04, 2023

    I’d love to see a see along for mary janes


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest challenge is organizing all the fabric so I can find what I want when I want to sew that special outfit!


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest challenge is finding enough time to make all the things that I want to and using up my huge stash!


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest challenge is finding time to make all of the projects I want to do. Plus having a great niece coming up with all the ideas for her doll clothes that I must make for her!!

    Peggy Crabill
    Peggy Crabill

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is having the room to complete projects. I don’t really have a personal dedicated space to unleash my crafting/sewing beast.


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is getting the collars to lay right. Also have issues choosing the correct fabric for the project I want to do. Would like to work with more knits but don’t understand the difference in them. When looking at the box stores not sure where to actually go and then finding a pattern small enough for like the shirts for instance.

    Karen Hoenie
    Karen Hoenie

    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is how to sew stretch fabric with a regular sewing machine. You have SO many cute patterns for stretchy fabric I want to use, but I snap the thread in seams if I have to stretch the clothing to get on the dolls 😥 HELP?


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is deciding what pattern to use & what fabric.


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest challenge is trying to find time and space to work and cut out patterns


    January 04, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is carving out time. There are so many fun things I want to make and use! With a family, it can be hard to find time.

    Linda Ditgen
    Linda Ditgen

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is deciding what fabric to use for a pattern.

    Shelley S.
    Shelley S.

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is trying to figure out what fabrics will look best with what outfit. Often I might get fabric for one outfit and then look at the Pixiefaire patterns I have and think nah.. it would look better for this other outfit instead. I just love all of my Pixiefaire patterns as there are so many choices & variety to chose from. I couldn’t be happier that I found Pixiefaire.com on the internet; so glad I did. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE PIXIEFAIRE.COM. A very pleased & happy customer. Very stylish, versatile & updated patterns for the modern times (as well as really cute historical ones as well). The children that I volunteer to make these adorable outfits for have cancer, had a fire & lost everything or are having hard family times; absolutely LOVE these doll outfits far more than any store bought outfits. The smile on their face when they open the gifts, are priceless & I thank Pixiefaire for that joy that they experience. It makes all their pain go away if only a brief moment in time.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is making curved pieces lie flat. I’m always afraid to clip too much and ruin the seam.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is finding time to sew. And then deciding what to work on!


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing problem is sewing straight topstitching


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is finding time to sew!!! Distractions too numerous to mention.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest problem is buying patterns and unable to finish the clothes in a professional manner!

    Suzanne Krueger
    Suzanne Krueger

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest challenge is having ideas for doll outfits, then not having the time to sew. I have accumulated a great deal of fabric and patterns!


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is lack of organization, whether it’s time, energy, room, materials. If one part of that isn’t right I lose my opportunity to sew. :(
    Happy stitching in this new year.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest challenge is using my embroidery machine

    Debbie Hall
    Debbie Hall

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is 1) finding correctly sized notions at a reasonable price and 2) finding the time.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is time management lol.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is picking the right feet and needle for the type of fabric!


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is wasting time on my phone when I could be sewing.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is having the space to do it and knowing the easy ways to do things. My family puts whatever they don’t know what to do with on my sewing table so I always have to clear it off first. Also, I’m a self taught sewer and often do things the hard way.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is organizing everything so it would be easy to sew anytime.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is keeping my sewing room neat (some of this comes from having a teen crafter in there too).


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is sewing knit fabrics.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is organization. If I would take the time to put everything back in its place as I sew then I would have more time to get started on the next project much sooner!


    January 03, 2023

    Trying to decide what to make first


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is sewing stretch fabric and knits. No matter what I try my machine skips stitches when I try to sew them.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is lack of time.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is getting started on a project, once I get started I don’t quit till the project is complete.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is finding the right trims and fabric to achieve the look I want.

    Nancy S
    Nancy S

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is having time to make everything I want to sew!

    Melissa Travis
    Melissa Travis

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is having enough time and space to work on projects.

    k VanderArk
    k VanderArk

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is choosing what project to do next, so many wonderful ideas and never enough time!


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is sewing the small (narrow) seams.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is organizing the many projects I have going at all times.


    January 03, 2023

    My major sewing challenge is havingTime, Energy and Inclination — those are the things that affect my ability to get anything done. That a few physical issues, but I’m trying to rise above and get a little something done every day!


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is trying to keep all the supplies and materials organized so that I can actually sew!


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is finding time to sew, balancing with spending time with spouse , children and grandchildren


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is staying organized.

    Marcy Mahle
    Marcy Mahle

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is finding time to work on my many many projects. I will soon be 76 and my life is so busy with being President of my Doll Club, the Sherlock Holmes Societies I belong to and family. Actually that is my biggest New Years Resolution is to find more time to finish started projects.


    January 03, 2023

    Thank you! My hardest challenge is choosing appropriate and functional closures. I always appreciate learning about new closures. Thank you very much for the above tutorial about sewing snaps under buttons. I appreciate it very much.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is deciding which fabric is best for my pattern/project.

    Janet F
    Janet F

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is choosing the right fabrics and trims. I have so much trouble coordinating everything


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest challenge is understanding the sophistication and ever-evolving technology of our modern machines and gadgets! So much to learn and so much to strive for.

    Ann M
    Ann M

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest challenge with sewing doll clothes is sewing precise scallops and tight curves on small pieces such as collars and pockets. I often have to cut another set of pieces and try again — or give up.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is sewing a straight seam edge on small projects
    I am not sure what idk wrong but I’m disappointed with the seam

    Patricia Anderson
    Patricia Anderson

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is keeping out of back pain so I can sew longer.

    Vickie McKinney
    Vickie McKinney

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is finding time and then, when I do find time, finishing the project.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is deciding on the right fabric


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is sewing stretchy fabric.


    January 03, 2023

    I biggest challenge would be sewing on silky fabrics.

    Roxanna J Khoury
    Roxanna J Khoury

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is finding the time and working with slippery fabrics.

    Marty Cox
    Marty Cox

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is closures — zippers, snaps, etc.

    Lucy A
    Lucy A

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is time! Theoretically, winter is when I have more time because I don’t have gardening, but plants have taken over my craft room.

    Emily H.
    Emily H.

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is finding space and organizing the space to be productive in. My husband and I have moved around in the past 10 years for his job and each home we end up in seems to be smaller than the last.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest challenge is matching fabric patterns with each pattern piece for example the Wizard of Oz Dorothy dress.

    Dianna L.
    Dianna L.

    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is getting started. I always get sidetracked. Shiny objects!


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge…. finding the time!!!!!


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge…. finding the time!!!!!


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is 1 setting aside time to sew. 2 painful back after sewing a short while 3. Afraid to ruin fabric or imperfect stitching


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is sewing nice rolled hems.


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is 1 setting aside time to sew. 2 painful back after sewing a short while 3. Afraid to ruin fabric or imperfect stit


    January 03, 2023

    My biggest sewing challenge is finding time to design my own patterns for doll clothes.

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