In part 4 we wrap up the topic with a closer look at sewing the tiny curves along facings and armscyes (pronounced "arms-eye"). These curved seamlines can be found in many of the doll clothes patterns on Pixie Faire, especially the standard armscye. My hope is that after watching how I sew these seamlines, you're able to apply the techniques to your own projects and sew tiny curves with confidence!
In the video posted below - Facings and Armscyes - I show you the methods I use when sewing a curved facing and a standard armscye seam line. There are several ways you could choose to sew these seamlines, but these are the methods I use most often when sewing these tiny curves. They've been illustrated in many of the LJ patterns, and I think they may be pretty straightforward, but seeing something demonstrated usually teaches the technique better than a photo. I hope what I've shared helps you to gain confidence in sewing tiny facings and armscyes!
Video Timeline:
Pattern Overview (designs that feature facings)
Part Four Task:
I had downloaded the Culotte Jumpsuit pattern as part of the Curves and Corners lesson. I had it is my Dropbox file as a PDF document. Today I went to open it and got a message the pattern was not available. Can you help me regain that pattern? Can I download it again? Thanks.
This video is not in vimeopro.
August 16, 2018
I don’t know how to download the Curves and Corners classes. It says that you can download the videos from this course in the Curves and Corners collection page on Vimeo. My question is, “what is Vimeo?” Please let me know before I can’t download them anymore; which is the end of the month. Thank you Crystal Weatherford