Looking for a fresh new way to use your favorite LJC patterns -- and maybe make an on-trend, back-to-school piece too? Well, that's just what we have for you this week.
Giveaway update! We have a winner! It's Judy who said, "My favorite back-to-school supply is binder clips. I teach, and have to manage lots of papers. I’m so glad they make them in colors now." Judy, we'll be in touch via email soon.
We're going to be combining two LJC classics -- the Denim Jacket, and the Ruched Hoodie -- to make this fun, stylin' jacket.
First, you're going to need some fabric: some sweatshirt-type material (we're using a double sided knit), ribbing, and of course, some denim. A little bit of narrow ribbon in a splashy color is a fun extra...
Then, cut out all the pieces for the denim jacket EXCEPT the collar and the sleeves/cuffs.
Use the sweatshirt material to cut out the sleeves from the Denim Jacket pattern, and the hood from the Ruched Hoodie pattern.
Grab the Denim Jacket Sleeve Cuff piece, and draw a line 1/2" in from the dots. Fold along this line, and use this new (shorter!) pattern piece to cut two cuff pieces out of ribbing.
Sew the body of the jacket together, following the directions in the guidebook. Stop when you reach the steps for the collar.
Switch to the Ruched Hoodie guidebook! Sew the hood together following those directions: stitch and finish the rounded, CB edge, then carefully hem the face edge.
Pin your new hood to the jacket's neckline, lining up the hemmed edges with the notches for the collar. Be sure to match Center Back too!
The hood will be a little longer than the jacket's neck edge, so just ease the extra fabric in gently with your fingers. If your fabric doesn't want to ease, you can always run a couple of gathering threads to help get everything in place.
Fold back the front edges so that they just cover the end of the hood. Stitch.
Trim corners, and clip into the seam allowance a bit so that it lies flat.
At this point you have two options: zig-zag/serge the seam allowances, or...cover them with some cute ribbon!
I sewed a piece of ribbon directly over the seam allowance, lining up one edge of the ribbon with my previous stitchline. If you do this, make sure your ribbon begins and ends in the facing.
Topstitch the bottom edge of the ribbon down to the jacket, sandwiching the seam allowances. When you reach the front edge, pivot, and edgestitch down the front on both sides.
I added a second line of topstitching just below the seamline, for good looks and extra stability.
Sleeve time!
Fold the cuff piece in half, and stretch it to fit the lower edge of the sleeve. Pin and stitch. (If you need extra help with this step, just follow the cuff directions in the Ruched Hoodie guidebook. The pieces are shaped a little differently, but the idea is the same.)
Set the sleeves in the jacket, and topstitch.
Finish off your jacket by sewing the underarm and side seams, adding the waistband, and doing the buttons and buttonholes.
Would you like to win this adorable little jacket? Super! We'd love to send it to one lucky winner...
To enter, just leave a comment below finishing this sentence:
"My favorite back-to-school supply is..."
We'll pick a winner on Monday, Aug 31, and get in touch with the winner by email.
Thanks everybody! It's wonderful, as always, to have you following along.
For Pixie Faire,
Melinda and Cinnamon
My favourite back to school supply was a backpack.
My favorite back to school supplies are cute pencil pouches and binders!
My favorite back to school supplies are pens and pencils. As an artist, I am really picky about the pens I use. It’s always great to find another favorite to add to your collection!
My favorite back to school supply was buying cloth and sewing supplies when I was a freshman in high school for my first home economics class. They are still my favorite supplies to purchase over 50 years later.
My favorite back-to-school supply was a notebook and pencils. During recess I’d doodle. It was fun and relaxing. :)
My favorite back to school supply is my backpack!
My favorite back to school supply was a brand new notebook to decorate with colored pens.
My favorite back to school supply is glue sticks.
I could not live without glue sticks!
My favorite back to school supply was actually the stickers I would use to decorate my notebooks, folders, crayon box, etc. I LOVE Halloween, so I often decorated all of my items in images of jack ’o lanterns, skeletons, and such. I liked making plain supplies my own even back then!
My favorite back-to-school supply is retractable sharpies…in every color!
My favourite back to school supply is a pack of pencil crayons.
My very favorite things were new pencils with the eraser tops, a new box of crayons and the manila paper.
My favorite back to school supply was the big box of crayons with the sharpener!!!
My favorite back to school supply is a new box of crayons – the big box.
My favourite back to school supply was always the markers with all the bright colours!
My favorite back to school supply was crayons. Back when I went to a country school one didn’t bring many school supplies. But it was a treat to get to buy a big box of crayons.
My favorite back to school supplies were the colored pencils and pens. I loved to use different colors for different things.I still love colored pencils and pens. :)
My favorite back to school supplies were new pens and notebooks with built in folders!
my favorite back to school supply is backpacks and lunch bags. I love the little characters they put on them, so full of fun, so full of life. They remind me of watching my little sisters go of to school with their backpack chucked full of school supplies, and an excitement for the school day in their eyes.
My favorite back to school supplies are crayons! I loved coloring with sharp crayons?
My favorite back-to-school supply was a spiral-bound notebook and sharpened #2 pencils. LOVE this pattern hack — thanks!!!
When I was in elementary school, my very favorite back to school supply was a big box of new crayons. What a joy when new colors would be added.
“My favorite back-to-school supply is…” Freshly sharpened new pencils with a full eraser. You are always ready to work with new pencils.
I went to school when you didn’t bring supplies. My favorite would have been my colors.
My favorite back to school supply for my daughter is the backpack! Id say new school clothes, but that doesn’t really count. So definitely the backpack.
My favorite back-to-school supply is a brand new box of crayons.
My favorite back to school supply is pads. I have always loved a new pad and also a favorite pen.
My favorite back to school supply is the backpack/bag, I loved going in search for the perfect tote for all my things. Wish we had the choices back then we do now. I am content now to make them for the dolls.
My favorite back to school supply was brand new colored pencils. I used them for sketching as well as school work.
My favorite back to school supply is definitely crayons and markers. Drawing and coloring always make me happy! I love this jacket idea, so current!
My favorite back to school supplies were definitely the crayons and markers. Loved to draw since I was little
My favourite back to school supply is Patience.
My favorite back to school supply was the giant box of Crayola crayons
My favorite back to school supply was the gantry box of Crayola crayons
I went to elementary school in the mid 60’s and we didn’t have to bring our own supplies so I would say a new lunchbox. We didn’t have any food sold at school so you had to bring your own lunch.
My favorite school supply was Colored Pencils, Crayons and Markers. I always loved to draw and color and getting new supplies was always a treat!
My favorite back to school supply was the folders. I loved to organize all my assignments, test paper, schedules etc…
My favorite back to school supply are pens! I like Bic Velocity bold point in any color really but pink and black especially.
My favorite back to school supply was always a new pack of colored pencils. I could use it for things like map work but I could also use it when I designed clothes.
Julia M H.
August 27, 2015
I am Homeschooled so when we get new stuff it is pretty AWESOME! My Favorite Back To School item is a New Notebook! This is Soooo Cute! I hope I win!