Looking for a fresh new way to use your favorite LJC patterns -- and maybe make an on-trend, back-to-school piece too? Well, that's just what we have for you this week.
Giveaway update! We have a winner! It's Judy who said, "My favorite back-to-school supply is binder clips. I teach, and have to manage lots of papers. I’m so glad they make them in colors now." Judy, we'll be in touch via email soon.
We're going to be combining two LJC classics -- the Denim Jacket, and the Ruched Hoodie -- to make this fun, stylin' jacket.
First, you're going to need some fabric: some sweatshirt-type material (we're using a double sided knit), ribbing, and of course, some denim. A little bit of narrow ribbon in a splashy color is a fun extra...
Then, cut out all the pieces for the denim jacket EXCEPT the collar and the sleeves/cuffs.
Use the sweatshirt material to cut out the sleeves from the Denim Jacket pattern, and the hood from the Ruched Hoodie pattern.
Grab the Denim Jacket Sleeve Cuff piece, and draw a line 1/2" in from the dots. Fold along this line, and use this new (shorter!) pattern piece to cut two cuff pieces out of ribbing.
Sew the body of the jacket together, following the directions in the guidebook. Stop when you reach the steps for the collar.
Switch to the Ruched Hoodie guidebook! Sew the hood together following those directions: stitch and finish the rounded, CB edge, then carefully hem the face edge.
Pin your new hood to the jacket's neckline, lining up the hemmed edges with the notches for the collar. Be sure to match Center Back too!
The hood will be a little longer than the jacket's neck edge, so just ease the extra fabric in gently with your fingers. If your fabric doesn't want to ease, you can always run a couple of gathering threads to help get everything in place.
Fold back the front edges so that they just cover the end of the hood. Stitch.
Trim corners, and clip into the seam allowance a bit so that it lies flat.
At this point you have two options: zig-zag/serge the seam allowances, or...cover them with some cute ribbon!
I sewed a piece of ribbon directly over the seam allowance, lining up one edge of the ribbon with my previous stitchline. If you do this, make sure your ribbon begins and ends in the facing.
Topstitch the bottom edge of the ribbon down to the jacket, sandwiching the seam allowances. When you reach the front edge, pivot, and edgestitch down the front on both sides.
I added a second line of topstitching just below the seamline, for good looks and extra stability.
Sleeve time!
Fold the cuff piece in half, and stretch it to fit the lower edge of the sleeve. Pin and stitch. (If you need extra help with this step, just follow the cuff directions in the Ruched Hoodie guidebook. The pieces are shaped a little differently, but the idea is the same.)
Set the sleeves in the jacket, and topstitch.
Finish off your jacket by sewing the underarm and side seams, adding the waistband, and doing the buttons and buttonholes.
Would you like to win this adorable little jacket? Super! We'd love to send it to one lucky winner...
To enter, just leave a comment below finishing this sentence:
"My favorite back-to-school supply is..."
We'll pick a winner on Monday, Aug 31, and get in touch with the winner by email.
Thanks everybody! It's wonderful, as always, to have you following along.
For Pixie Faire,
Melinda and Cinnamon
My back to school days were a long time ago but, growing up in a large family the excitement of new clothes (mostly fabric to make them with) was special.
While we didn’t get a lot it was wonderful to have something new and not a hand me down!!!! And, like someone else posted, new shoes were a must. They were never hand me downs because shoes were worn out!
Glue sticks, lots and lots of glue sticks.
My favorite back to school supply is crayons. Love them
…..a new pair of shoes! Most of the summer we lived in flip flops. Yes we has Sunday shoes, but we couldn’t wear them except for Sunday School and Special occasions.. It was really special when we also got a pair of tennis shoes for gym class.
I love back to school shopping! All of it is fun. My favorite back to school supply is colored pencils. So many happy possibilities in such a little box. Btw, This jacket is pretty fabulous, I’d like it in my size!
My favourite back to school items were the art supplies. Crayons, pastels, markers, coloured pencils were a few that were the best. Putting my name on all of the supplies and putting them into a new backpack to get ready for the first day of school.
My favorite back to school supply is a backpack There are so many fun colors and shapes. I’d love to make a few of my own, too.
My favorite back to school supply was the stickers the teachers would get in the lower grades to put on your paper if you got 100%. I always liked to see all the different ones they had, and tried my best to get 100% so I’d get one on my paper!
My favorite school supply is a new wardrobe. I love shopping for new jeans, shirts, coats, shoes, etc. Yes, new crayons, pens, pencils, and notebooks are fun….but not as fun as showing up at school and showing off a new outfit to my friends. Wouldn’t it be fun to have a doll that is dressed in a matching outfit?
…new notebooks and pens/pencils!!
new pencils – they smell so good when sharpened!
New clothes
My favorite school supply was a fresh new box of crayons, oh the smell of a fresh box.
My favorite back-to-school supply is a new lunch box. It was fun shopping for it and looking at all of the characters to choose from.
My favorite back to school thing was my roller skates! At our house we didn’t have sidewalks but at school they did. I was the only one who took their skates out in front of the school to rollerskate on the school’s sidewalks. I don’t know why no one else did it. I had a ball! Sadly, in this day & age it would not be allowed.
My favorite back to school supply was a new backpack.
My favorite back to school supplies are mechanical pencils and a fun pencil case!
My Favorite back to school item was my lunch sack my mother had made for me and pack my incrediable lunches in with love and little note of encouragment each day to do my best Love ya mom
My favorite back to school item are markers.
It’s a new 3 ring notebook with no writing on it with clean paper, with a zipper pencil case with new pens, pencils with new erasers and a box of colored pencils with a small pencil sharpener!
My favorite back-to-school supply is each new folder with a fun picture on it!
New crayons!!
My favorite back to school item was always the new clothes my mom sewed for me. There was a TG&Y store in town that carried material that was 6 months ahead of when store bought clothes came out in that same material. I was always ahead of the trend.
As a retired Kindergarten teacher, my favorite back to school supply was a classroom full of eager students excited to learn.
My favorite back-to-school supply is always fresh new notebooks!
Crayons are my favorite supply…nice points, with that new crayons smell just waiting to be used. Even though I’m a mom now, I buy myself a new pack every year.
My favorite back-to-school supply was always my lunchbox! I loved getting to choose my favorite character, the feel of the plastic handle, opening and closing the latch, and the sound the metal lid made when you opened it!
My favorite back to school supply is crayons! I love to open the box and look at all the beautiful colors.
My favorite back to school supplies are folders, binders, and backpacks!
The big box of crayons because it has the turquoise one. My favorite!
This is such a beautiful little jacket. Thank you for sharing with all of us
God Bless
My favorite school supply was my clothes. My mother made all my dresses and I was so excited and proud to wear my new one of a kind wardrobe.
My favorite back-to-school supply is a super cute first day hair style ;)
Colored pencils,new back pack, and notebooks, and most of all new clothes. Clothes is the most liked.
My favourite back to school supply is paper. I love brand new blank sheets of paper.
My favorite school supply is a new box of crayons, all the pretty colors with sharp points.
My favorite back to school supply is fresh new crayons and colored pencils. Oh the possibilities! Let the creative juices flow!
Always loved new pencil crayons!
Pens! But not any regular pens a nice smooth writing fountain style or gel pen!
Sharpies! I have almost every color of Sharpie ever made and I love them for all sorts of projects – scrapbooking, coloring, marking in over missed stitches in embroidery, letter writing. They’re the best for everything!
My favorite back to school supply is a pencil case. So many cute ones!
- Dawn
My favorite back to school supply is a pencil case. So many cute ones!
- Dawn
My favorite back to school supply was scissors. I enjoyed cutting out things.
Gotta be crayons!
My favorite back to school supply is sparkly mechanical pencils. Especially if they are pink. My house is overrun with them, but I somehow manage to lose them over the summer, so then I have to buy new ones. Not that I mind, of course. : )
My favorite back to school supply was always pencils! My sisters and I all grew up drawing, and fresh pencils always “fed” the artist in me.
Colored pencils are my favorite. So many possibilities!
My favorite back to school supply is folders. I love to keep organized so folders in various colors keeps me on task by organizing papers, to-dos, and now Liberty Jane Patterns!
My favourite back to school supply is BIG BINDERS to help organize papers…and patterns too!
My favorite back to school supply is fancy pens and mechanical pencils – but I love ALL back to school supplies. I have been told I have an unnatural fondness for all school supplies – composition notebooks, binder clips, 3-ring binders in all sizes, tape, glue, notebook paper, post-its…ahhhh. How can you pick just one? I want to buy out the whole store!!! (I must confess, I also have a bit of a ‘collecting’ problem.)
We didn’t have backpacks in the 50s but they would have been my favorite. We had to carry stacks of books, walking to and from school in junior high. My grandkids have really cool backpacks.
The pocket envelope folders – one for each subject, in different colors/patterns!
My favorite back to school supply is the notebook. I really like the ones you can insert your own designed paper or even your personalized calendar month.
My favorite back to school supply are notebooks. They come is such pretty designs and are just waiting for me to fill them with all sorts of good things. It’s been a long time since I was in school but I still look at new school supplies every fall…and still buy new notebooks. Just can’t resist!
My favorite back to school supplies is my backpack with a picture of my favorite singer on it.
My favorite back to school supply is pencils. I love long, sharp, wooden pencils.
My fav was Mr. Sketch smelly markers
My favorite back to school supply is composition notebooks, because i decorate them with duct tape!
My favorite back to school supply is a pencil box because you can decorate it any way you want and then your child has a one of a kind box just for them!
My favorite back to school supply is a new box of markers.
My favorite back to school supply is a box of new crayons. So much possibility and creativity at your finger tips! I love to imagine and create what I dream. New crayons are just the best!
My favorite back-to-school supply is Crayons, I always loved the smell of crayons. and getting a fresh new box before any got broken, well that was just wonderful for a budding artist!
My favorite back to school supplies are new glue sticks.
My favorite was always scissors. Boys had pocket knives (back then) and I had scissors. Great for just about every subject and nipping a few locks from a napping bully :)
My favorite back to school supply is a new box of pointy crayons.
My favorite back to school supply was – way back – watercolors!
My favorite back to school supply is mechanical pencils (and quiet time to use them).
My favorite back-to-school supply is brand new notebooks. I love their sense of potential, the crisp pages waiting to be filled with new ideas and information.
My favorite back to school supply (waaaaaaaaaaay back in the 1950s) was my pencil box.
My favorite back to school supply is crayons or colored pencils. They supply endless possibilities and spark creativity.
My favorite school supply is my new haircut. But my GD got her bangs died Hot Pink. So she beat me.
My favorite back to school is paper. I love the new smell of paper and the infinite possibilities it represents.
My favorite back to school supply was subject notebooks with photo covers. I loved finding ones with kittens, horses, etc.
I always loved new crayons and pencils!
My four great grandchildren are the best that can be supplied for school……
My favourite back-to-school supply is paper. I have a thing about paper. That’s why I scrapbook.
My favorite back to school supply was a composition notebook for writing reports and stories.
My favorite back to school supply were the nice smelling crayons with the sharpener.
My favorite back to school supply was crayons. I still love going into the store and looking at and smelling the crayons. And I loved to color, just like I love to sew doll clothes. I would love to win this hooded jacket.
My favorite back to school supply is a backpack.
My favorite back to school supply was a new box of crayons. It was so much fun to open them up and see all the colors. Thank you for the great tutorial. Sometimes a new idea will be enough to keep me going for a long time, and your ideas are always so cute. Thank you!
My favorite back-to-school supply is new markers. Last year’s markers are drying out, and fresh markers are welcome.
The folders! I used to love Lisa Frank and the cute kitten ones.
My favorite back-to-school supply is doll clothes patterns so I can make goodies for my grand daughter’s Girls.
My favorite school supply is a new box of crayons. Just think of the possibilities!
the new box of crayons of course and the smell of them
My favorite back to school supply is a pencil sharpener. I like my pencils razor sharp.
My favorite back to school supply was getting a new pair of shoes they made me so happy
My favorite school supply is smelly markers!
Definitely crayons. Still use them for color ideas. Really liked the use of the scraps of fabric.
lots of Demin
My favorite supply was pencils.
My favorite back to school supplies were the crayons, the more the merrier. So many things to do with crayons. I love the 2 materials you used to create the wonderful jacket.
My favorite school supply is the folders. They come in such an array of color and design and such fun to select your favorites. This jacket is so unique..
My favorite back-to-school supply is notebooks! I can never have enough of those. =)
Lovely jacket, and thank you for the tutorial!
“My favorite back-to-school supply is…” highlighters. The colors always brightened all my grocery bag book covers.
My favorite back to school supply was getting brand new crayons – none that were broken by my brother!
My favorite back to school supply was always the uncsharpend pencils with the new eraser. Great for doodling and writing stories! I love the two different denim used in this jacket.
August 28, 2015
Can’t remember that far back! I’ll have to go with colored pencils/crayons. Cute jacket with the denim heart contrasts.