Look no further than your pantry for this craft -- because the main thing you need to make this fun, super tiny snowglobe is a little tiny jar. Try a baby food jar -- or a jar of pimentos, like this one used to be.
You'll also need some little figures, glitter, and glycerin. Oh, and some hot glue.
Start by gluing your figures into the jar lid. I used a tiny plastic sleigh and a couple of artificial branches as 'trees'.
I glued my sleigh on top of this tiny piece of plastic -- it helps lift the sleigh up high enough that you can see it above the jarline.
Once you have your scene all glued down, put the jar back together and check that everything still fits!
Next, put some glitter in the jar; add a couple drops of glycerin, and fill the jar most of the way up with water.
If you're worried about leaks, run some strong craft glue around the edge of the jar and lid.
Take the plunge, and screw the top onto the jar!
Give your new scene a good shake, and enjoy the snowfall.
Have Fun!
March 10, 2016
This is also such a cute idea! I am so going to try this!
November 02, 2014
I love this project!
August 22, 2014
Hahahaha I thought it said “start by gluing your FINGERS to jar lid.” I’m a wreck with hot glue anyway. Thanks for all these freebies!
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© 2025 Pixie Faire
December 15, 2017
Thanks. I will be trying this for my daughter