Hi everyone,
The question is simple: Who Wears It Best? You vote to help us decide and one lucky participant will receive an 18" American Girl® Doll and custom outfit from Liberty Jane®!
Buy An American Girl® Doll On Amazon: American Girls® are now available on Amazon (shop now)! As an Amazon Prime member you get free shipping on any purchase, plus a huge number of other benefits. So, join the Amazon Prime Program and get your new American Girl® Doll Today!
More About TrulyMe #49: According to the American Girl® Website, The 18-inch Truly Me™ doll has a huggable cloth body, eyes that open and close, hair that can be styled, and a movable head and limbs made of smooth vinyl. This doll has medium skin tone, wavy black-brown hair, and blue eyes. She arrives wearing a printed dress with a mesh hem, a zip-front moto jacket with a star zipper pull, and glittery flat shoes.
More About TrulyMe #67: According to American Girl®, The 18-inch Truly Me™ doll has a huggable cloth body, eyes that open and close, hair that can be styled, and a movable head and limbs made of smooth vinyl. This doll has dark skin tone, curly black-brown hair, and brown eyes. She arrives wearing a printed dress with a mesh hem, a zip-front moto jacket with a star zipper pull, and glittery flat shoes.
More about the Custom Liberty Jane outfit: This cute dress is made from the Liberty Jane Woomera Dress pattern in a coral slub knit fabric - perfect for summer! It's paired with gold slip ons and a fun headband.
Who Wears It Best? Vote below to enter to win the doll and outfit bundle!
Vote Now & Enter To Win: You enter through the entry form that is embedded on this page and appears just below this paragraph, if you don't see it, be sure to visit the page from your desktop or an alternate browser such as Google Chrome. It may not appear on all mobile devices. The complete rules and entry details appear on the entry form. This is not a comment contest - in other words leaving a comment on the bottom of this page is not an official entry method. The only required entry method is to vote in the poll to help us decide who models it best. The doll with the most votes will be given away with the Liberty Jane outfit. One person will receive one of the dolls and the outfit. You can enter once, or gain multiple entries by completing the other entry methods, and increase your chances of winning. Please review all Terms and Conditions on the giveaway page before entering. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Liberty Jane Clothing and Pixie Faire. Not endorsed by or affiliated with American Girl®.
Like the look and want to make your own? This patterns is available for 18" American Girl® dolls.
We'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment and tell us - who wears it best! And be sure to thank Cinnamon for giving away such a cute outfit!
Thanks, everyone!
The Pixie Faire Team
Who won?
I vote for #49 as I love her blue eyes which set off the dress.
I love this dress on number 67!
Thanks for the giveaway! I think 49 looks better in this one.
it so beautiful,i love it
Thank you for the give a ways. Both are nice but I picked #67.
Thanks for the giveaway Cinnamon! I love TM 67 in this outfit.
Both look so cute in this outfit! I thought #67 looked just bit prettier with her coloring in this dress.
Thank you for the giveaway. Both girls model the outfits so well, but I finally chose #49.
So much fun! Thanks for the opportunity to win and the wonderful patterns you offer.
#67, the outfit looks really nice on her.
My girls think they both look great!
Thank you for the giveaway! I absolutely love the dress! I think 67 wears it best.
Thank you for your giveaways. I like the dress best on #49.
I like them both but I’ll vote for #49.
The dress is lovely. It looks wonderful and both dolls. 67 got my vote for the way the dress complements her skin tone
i chose #49 because her eyes really pop with the dress.
thanks for the chance to win! both are cute!
I let my niece pick the best dressed. She chose 49.
Very beautiful ! # 49
Both dolls as so pretty, but I love #67, she is beautiful and this dress colour seems to warm her beautiful skin tone. Cinnamon, Thank You so much for this opportunity to own my own AG doll
67 is my selection, she fits into this dress perfectly Thank you Cinnamon.
This color looks so good on #67! Thanks for all these great giveaways ?
Love them both, but I think I like #67 the best. Her darker skin & eye colors compliment the dress.
Très jolie merci pour tout j’aime tous les modèles, mon vote pour 67. Tanks Bye
Thanks for the beautiful dolls and dress, Cinnamon! When the new release came out, #67 was the first thing that caught my eye. And she looks gorgeous in the color that you chose for the dress!
49 :)
I love how it looks on #67! Her lips look good with the dress and her ringlets are just darling.
I prefer #67
In this case, 67.
I absolutely love the complete outfit. Truly Me #67 is stunning and her hair looks so beautiful. She definitely wears this outfit the best with her dark curly hair. I loved how this outfit brings her natural beauty out and truly shows.
Thank you for a fun giveaway. =)
This was a hard one. (again!) I picked 67 in the end because I think the color of the dress complements her skin tone. (and what pretty curls!)
I thought that 49 looked best since the pink dress comprehended her eye color. Thanks for hosting!
I love both but I like #67 because of her hair color and skin tone!
I love the ringlets in her hair. And the outfit is so cute and modern!
Thank you, Cinnamon! I voted for #67
I really like #49, and the dress is beautiful!
I really like the outfit on #49
This outfit complements #67 and her pretty coloring! Such a beautiful outfit and so comfy looking!
This outfit complements #67 and her pretty coloring! Such a beautiful outfit and so comfy looking!
I love how the coral dress makes #49’s eyes pop and how it looks beautifully with #67’s skin tone. However, I am voting #49 in this case.
I like 49 :)
I feel #49 wears it best as it hangs better on her.
I like #67 in this pretty dress. She has such pretty curls to offset the color of the dress.
The Woomera dress is unique. I think #49 wears it best.
I like and vote for #67!! Sooo cute!!! Thank you very much!!
Doll #67 gets my vote—her hair, eyes and skin color are just beautiful against the color of this so sweet outfit! Thanks for all you do!
I love the contrast in skin coloring and the light peach dress. Each sets the other off beautifully. I voted for #67.. Thank you Cinnamon for the Monday contests.
I like the way it looks on # 49 best. Thanks for all you do, Cinnamon. I named one of my dolls after you!
Hard call, but I think #67 gets my vote.
Love this outfit!!
I definitely got to go with #49. Her hair is amazing with the dress!!
Thanks Cinnamon for having this awesome giveaway! I really think that #49 rocks this outfit the best.
I believe Truly Me #49 wears the dress the best. It appears to fit her better. I like her overall appearance the best.
thy both look good, but I like #67
Love #67. Love her hair and complexion. thanks for a wonderful give away.
Thank you for the opportunity to win. I chose number 49. I think both dolls show the dress equally well, but my granddaughter has black hair and blue eyes.. A combination that is not often seen. Thank you
Thank you Cinnamon for such a great site and sharing of your patterns and your generous giving of the dolls. I like #49 the best her blue eyes really make everything pop.
I love doll #49. Her blue eyes are beautiful!
I like #67. The dress looks really pretty on her. I love her hair.
I think #49 is cute with the outfit
My choice is #49.
Definitely #67!
I think #67 is cutest and my daughter agrees.
Truly Me #67 is so cute!!!! I also L-O-V-E the photo style. Thank you so much, Cinnamon!
Really like the Truly Me Dolls, and #49 is great in her outfit. Have always loved the great smiles and sunny disposition on them. This dress on them accentuates their personality just beautifully. #49 is my choice.
67 wears it best
Truly Me #67 her dress looks so soft and flowing on her. Love the very curly hair and her dark brown eyes are a contrast with her dress. I would just love to hug her as I would revert to my childhood.
Absolutely #67 looks sooooo Boho Chic.Suits her.
I think #67 wears it best!
I like the dress on # 67 the best.
67# looks super cute in this little outfit
67 looks perfect in this dress! Thanks Cinnamon!
I love the dress on both girls but #67 just stands out a little more to me, thanks for the great giveaway.
Thanks Cinnamon for another opportunity to receive some awesome products, as usually both dolls are lovely but I cast vote on #67 her curly hair and skin color is making that dress pop.
Another hard choice. I love the beautiful blue eyes on #49 but the skin tone and the lovely curls make me choose #67.
My vote is for #49. Those blue eyes really make the pink dress pop!
Such a pretty dress! My daughter likes #67 best cuz they look similar
Love this pattern. Looks good on both dolls but I’m a little partial to the dark curls #67
I love them both but 49 is my choice
I like them both so hard to decide! I chose #67 tho cuz those blue eyes are stunning! The eyes just make the dress pop more!
I like #67 best in the dress. The colour seems to suit her better.
Thanks Cinnamon.
Thanks for the freebies, Cinnamon and gang. This choice is really super hard, their coloring was so similar. I chose #67 just because I love her hair. Happy stitching everyone!
You have a heart of gold, Cinnamon. Your team is wonderful. I picked #49. The blue eyes did it for me. Thank You
Thank you for the opportunity to win a doll and this cute outfit.
I love both… they both rocked the outfit haha! It was tough to choose just one… but I finally opted for #49 :)
I love the pattern. I picked #67
Love the outfit!! Looks best on #49. Thank you for contest:)
Number 67 . gets my vote- I love her hair and the way she looks in that cute Summery dress.
Thank you, Cinnamon, for your work in Africa, I am about to watch the video to see more.
I like the complimenting color of the fabric with # 49. More contrast and a less warm tone for the other doll for her to stand out.
October 30, 2021
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