Hi everyone,
The question is simple, who wears it best? Vote now to be entered to win an 18-inch American Girl® Doll and this cool outfit!
This week's Mod Doll Monday contest is featuring the Construction Gear Vest and Hard Hat made by Linda, the designer of the Koski Kreations pattern collection . Would you like your chance to win this playful outfit and a brand new doll? Be sure to vote to help us decide which doll models it best and be entered into the giveaway to win both a doll and the outfit!
More About Each Doll:
American Girl® Truly Me #77 Doll: According to the American Girl® website, The 18-inch Truly Me™ doll has a huggable cloth body, eyes that open and close, textured hair, and a movable head and limbs made of smooth vinyl. This doll has brown eyes, short dark brown hair, and dark skin tone. The doll arrives wearing a polo shirt with distressed stripes, twill pants with pockets, gray boxer briefs, and slip-on shoes.
Logan™ Doll: According to the American Girl® website, "The 18" Logan boy doll has gray eyes that open and close, and short brown hair. Logan’s unique hand positioning helps him hold instruments! He arrives in a plaid button-down shirt, a T-shirt, jeans, underwear, and shoes."
More about the Outfit: Your doll will be ready for a hard day's work at the construction site with this super cool outfit! The outfit includes a bright yellow construction worker t-shirt, orange safety vest, pair of tennis shoes, and of course a hard hat to keep your doll safe for work!
Make It Today: Like the look and want to make your own? Click the image below to get the pattern:
Vote Now & Enter To Win: You enter through the entry form that is embedded on this page and appears just below this paragraph, if you don't see it, be sure to visit the page from your desktop or an alternate browser such as Google Chrome. It may not appear on all mobile devices. The complete rules and entry details appear on the entry form. This is not a comment contest - in other words leaving a comment on the bottom of this page is not an official entry method. The only required entry method is to vote in the poll to help us decide which look is best. One person will receive the doll and the outfit. You can enter once, or gain multiple entries by completing the other entry methods, and increase your chances of winning. Please review all Terms and Conditions on the giveaway page before entering. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Liberty Jane Clothing and Pixie Faire. Not endorsed by or affiliated with American Girl®.
More pictures of each doll:
We'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment and tell us - which doll wears it best! And be sure to thank Linda for giving away such a cute outfit!
Thanks everyone,
The Pixie Faire Team
We like either but will vote for 77. =)
Logan has my vote. Thanks for the outfit and giveaway!
Logan rocks this look!
Loving this adorable outfit from Kosi Kreations. Linda. These boys look totally ready in their t-shirt, pants, work vest, hard hat and runners to set off for a long day at work in the construction business. Every detail is perfect. Thanks for offering the outfit to go along with the doll. Logan gets my vote.
Both do justice to the outfit. However, I shall choose number 77
My kids prefer for Logan, but my vote is for#77. In either case, the outfit is adorable. Thanks for the giveaway.
Logan rules!
Both look sew handsome, but I think Logan wears the hat better. Logan gets my vote this week 8)
Thanks for the great outfit! They both look great.. but I think Logan wears it better.
Love the boy dolls!
Logan wears it best!
Thanks to Pixie Faire and Linda from Koski Kreations. Love the #77 doll and outfit.
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I vote for logan, the fit is so much better. I have made clothes for the logan doll for a family member, and would be so fun to have him as a model for me to use to.make for mu grandson. Thanks for the opportunity. I love pixie faire…. So much fun, and cool patterns and free things!.
logan wears it best
logan wears it best
Logan is adorable. My son would love him.
logan wore it best in my opinion
I entered!
They r just so cute! Lovd the outfit! My vote is for tm77. Thank you for such a nice giveaway!
Thanks #77
Thanks Linda for giving away this outfit. I think Logan is adorable.
Loving Logan in this! Too cute!
Logan is so hamdsome! Love him to pieces!
I ♡ LOGAN!!!
They are both adorable, I’m leaning toward TM #77, he is just so sweet!
Thanks Linda! I like Logan best!
Logan is my vote. They both are so cute.
Mod doll giveaway is so cool!!
I have to agree that the hat fits better on Logan, so he is the better model for this particular outfit. However, I’d rather own #77 because he’s cuter in general than Logan, and I would simply make the hat bigger for him!
They both look cute in the outfit and I vote for #77.
I would pick Logan because his hat fits better. :)
It is just so damn hard to choose a favourite, when both dolls look so awesome. So I chose Logan, for no other reason than like him more!
Love the outfit , I think #77 wears it best, I would love to have a boy to go with all my girls
Thanks for the chance to win I think #77 wears it best\
I vote for Logan.
They both look great, but I lean more th Logan.
I voted login yay!
Thank you Linda and Cinnamon for such a great giveaway! I choose Logan this time.
Logan wins for me!
I love both but I think Logan because I like how it looks with his hair. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Logan looks best.
Thanks Linda. they both look cute. but Logan gets my vote.
I like #77 because of his curly hair and yellow and orange look great with his skin tone.
I love both of these handsome men going off to work. I voted for Logan because he has such dreamy eyes.
Thanks Linda for the great outfit for the boys…………..I would have to say I like Logan best because he is named after my adopted son…………they both look cute though in the outfit.
Wow! This outfit is super cool! I love the hard hat especially! They both look awesome, but Logan gets my vote. Great work!
Thanks, Linda! It looks good on both dolls, but my vote went to Logan.
Both dolls are too cute It was so hard to choose one GET BOTH AND THESE CUTE BOYS WILL BE BEST FRIENDS- WOULD FIT IN MY FAMILY JUST FINE!
thank you for the giveaway! Logan sports this look the best!
Love it on Mr. #77 But I can’t lie, his chubby cheeks stole my heart! Thanks Linda!
I picked Logan, but it was a difficult choice!
I think Logan models the best. He is so cute, lovable, and innocent face. He reminds me of my son when he was little. Maybe one day I can add Logan to my doll collection. This is such a cute outfit for the boy dolls. There aren’t many choices of patterns for boys doll clothes. Thank you for this cute outfit.
Logan looks so cute in this!
I chose #77 only because I tossed a coin!!! They are so close and look so cute in the uniforms!!!
Hard to decide. I’ve been wanting a boy doll, and have both dark and light skinned girl dolls. I need both of these guys, I guess. They are both cute.
Sorry, I have to write one more, because Rose tells me Genniewren of the ACE patches is not spelled the way I did it; and Logan is really upset – he says he really wants our household to win, even though we have enough boys – because he really really would like to have the construction worker T-shirt. That’s not part of the pattern, that’s a gift from Linda for the winner! (apparently Logan likes that T-shirt BEST – well thought, Linda!).
Thanks, Linda! I think that Logan wears it best.
My household is abuzz with Linda’s Koski Creations – have you guys (my fellow contestants, the ones who read these comments) seen the galactic space suit? – easily just as good as the current AG one (not yet released for all, just the special people there) – and have you seen Jennie Wren’s machine embroidery designs for the space patches? Pixie Faire is awesome fabulous amazing – and so much FUN of a Friday morning. Love you Cinnamon! (Rose wants to know if our household gets five extra chances to win the “new guy” because I keep writing comments – you had better not make that work that way, or other people will start filling the comments, for which I am feeling I have to apologise – and cease! Good luck everyone.
It is wonderful that the have so many patterns for the boy dolls. I love them both!
Love #77 in this outfit. He looks ready to get to work!!
OK, so Rose wins (she is 18 inches tall, and determined once she sets her heart on something). I have HAD to buy the pattern, and the kids (18 inches tall and slightly under that) are already gathering the foam sheets). Rose will get her STP sign saying SLOW on the back, and Logan will get a few cones, and how many hard hats get put together will depend on how many sheets of foam are in the house! Rose want me to say THANKS to Linda, for the awesome pattern – she thinks that’s the true prize of this contest! (The winner of the doll-and-outfit only gets the hard-hat – sure, that’s amazing, but the cones pattern and sign are instant downloadable fun for my lot to bug me to make NOW – we’ll see if I will ..)
They both look ready for work! My vote is for Logan. Thanks for the opportunity to win these!
I loved Kathleen’s comment best! I too vote for Linda, who would undoubtedly wear it best! (Not sure which doll looks more like a Linda, but the girls in my household are definitely weighing in on the outfit having to be shared, if our household wins, between them as well as just the boys! Hard hats all round – and fix-it TOOLS. (Actually, our household is already well awash with one-third size wonderful fix-it tools – so if we win, the new boy on the block can get to work immediately.) Rose says he want to hold a SLOW sign …
I t6hink #77 looks the best.
I have to say #77 wears it best, because Logan is already part of my household! They can fight over – or kindly share – the outfit if our household wins. I do like that if our household does not win, and Logan really hankers after assisting in the neighbourhood, then I can buy the pattern and have one happy boy. (He is already saying we’d need two hard-hats in the household …)
Thank you so much, great outfit! #77 is just too cute in it 👏💜
I vote Linda , she show a girl can work in a man’s world
I vote for Logan.
Thanks for the giveaway! I think Logan wears it best
My son wears this outfit most days so my granddaughter would love the outfit!
I think Logan wears it best. Thank you, Linda and Cinnamon, for the chance to win this amazing doll and outfit.
Awesome opportunity! Thank you 😊
My vote os for Logan! I love the construction outfit and it is so cute on him. Thank You for such a cute design.
I just had to pick Logan because he reminds me so much of my son Casey at that age. Casey is 43 yrs young now.
My favorite is Logan. This is such a cute outfit! So creative.
I also wanted to thank Linda for giving away such a darling outfit!
I have to say Logan wears the outfit the best! His coloring seems to make the colors pop.
I would love to win this for my great granddaughter who suffers with autism.
Both boys look great in the clever outfit. I choose #77.
They both look great! Had to flip a coin to choose. Would have loved to see a girl wearing the outfit as well. Looking forward to girl vs. boy who wore it best in future. Thanks ladies for the awesome giveaway.
Thank you Linda for the construction outfit. I think it looks best on Logan.
Both are so cute! But Logan gets my vote this week.
an adorable outfit, like it best on Logan. :-)
Logan! He’s a great looking doll.
Thank you, I choose Logan.
Logan has my vote this week.
Both are adorable. Thanks Linda. My fav is Logan. :)
Thanks Linda! I voted for Logan this week.
I love that we have so much for the boys. Logan has always been my favorite. Thank you for making this for us. I can’t wait to see what is next.
I think Logan looks the best in his gear. Great job.
Logan really looks the best in that outfit. The hat fits him better too. Love the outfit.
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