Hi everyone,
On Friday (September 2nd) we are offering a free pattern from Donna Seabury, founder of Eden Ava Couture. Be sure to vote today and then come back and get your copy of the winning pattern on Friday.
Vote Now
More About Each Pattern:
The 1960s Make It Stop Outfit Designed To Fit 18 Inch Dolls Such As American Girl®: The 1960's Make It Stop outfit is reminiscent of the 1960's beach movies. This hip PDF pattern features a midriff top with ruffles and trimmed in contrast bias tape. The top buttons down the back. The shorts sit at the hips and close in the back with velcro. They feature sewn seams down the front.
Espadrilles Designed To Fit Your 18 Inch Dolls Such As American Girl®: Is your American Girl doll ready for a new pair of sandals? You can make her some really cute ones with the Espadrilles Shoe PDF Pattern designed by Eden Ava Couture! They can be made in a variety of color combinations.
The 1970s Halter & Scooter Designed To Fit Your 18 Inch Dolls Such As American Girl®: This 1970′s inspired reversible halter top and scooter PDF pattern will keep your American Girl® Doll cool and refreshed on those hot summer days! The top is quick and easy to make and is perfect for small scraps of woven fabrics. The scooter is shorts with a skirt front and is more of an intermediate level, but if you take your time and follow the directions it’s easy to make.
The Cloche Hat Designed To Fit 18 Inch Dolls Such As American Girl®: Your doll will look exquisite in her new cloche hat with this classic PDF pattern from Eden Ava Couture. This lovely lined hat pattern includes two variations, but it is made from the same pattern pieces!
Take a look at the pattern
We'd love to hear from you! Leave a comment below and thank Donna!
If you make a cute outfit using this pattern be sure to share a picture using the #pixiefaire and on Instagram!
Love that cloche!
thanks for all the pattern choices this week. love them all…a hard choice to make.
I will go for the cloche hat or the espadrilles. either one will work for me! thanks for the opportunity!!!
Thank you for the great free pattern cant wait to try it thanks
Thank you for the free pattern! While I voted for the espradrilles, I am equally pleased witht he 70’s halter and scooter skirt.
I like the Cloche hat!
All patterns are so cute. Thank you!
Thank you to everyone for all the sweet comments and for voting. Enjoy the free pattern!
Love all the patterns, but have been searching for a cloche pattern for dolls and here it is. that’s my vote for this week. Thank you Donna for the great patterns.
Love the shoes!
Love ♥ the 70’s halter top and scooter skirt :)
Love the espadrilles. I love making shoes to match the outfits. So trendy,
Love the hat
would love the halter top and scooter skirt. All your patterns are wonderful!
I would love to have the 70’s halter top and scooter skirt. So cute!
A l l of them are so cute it was hard to pick. Thank you so much for the free patterns,everyone involved is great!
Keep up the good work.
They are all wonderful! Thanks for making one available for free. I sewed a similar halter and scooter for myself in the 70s.
LOOOVE the cloche hat! Tres chic, si unique, c’est magnifique! I can see how it could be adapted into a sailor hat, as well. So different from anything readily available or the clothing you have offered in other Freebie Friday selections… Thank you for this opportunity. ;-)
I Love all the patterns. Very hard choice to vote for but I’ve been wanting a Julie doll so I’m going to vote for the 70’s set. They would look great on Julie.Thank You for freebie fridays and all the wonderful patterns.
All of the patterns are cute and any of them would be worth having…but there is something about the Halter and Scooter…so I voted for that…Thank You Donna for sharing such creativity and talent with us…and Thank You Pixie Faire for the Freebie Fridays…
I thought the cloche hat would be a darling addition to the jacket patterns from the previous Freebie Fridays so that is why it got my vote.
I make every pattern you have on freebe friday the day i get it My great grade daughters just love them all. I do have trouble getting the foam for the shoes. no one stocks it where I live.
Love that beachy outfit to take us through the cold winters in Indy.
I am voting for the espadrilles this week. Hope I can find the trim and cork that is needed. I love making doll shoes but find it difficult finding a lot of supplies that are required.
I voted for the 1970’s halter top and scooter skirt. Thank you Donna Seabury and Pixie Faire for your generosity.
The halter top and scooter skirt are adorable.
Thank you so much for the Freebie Fridays. I will be happy with any of the patterns as I don’t have any of these. I have several of the pixie faire patterns and like all that I have bought so far. Thank you, again for generosity.
Oh what a difficult decision! I want them all – guess I’ll have to buy the ones that “lose”. Thank you so much
All are great. Love the scooter shorts the best
Thank you, voted for espadrilles
I vote for the scooter skirt. Thank you.
I chose 1970’s halter/scooter set. I have a reversible halter top that ties @ neck/front that was free from Donna years ago. LOVE it! The scooter skirt was shown in that pattern’s photo, so will be great to have 2 different tops for dolls to wear if it wins! Thanks so much, Donna!!!
Love them all. So much talent! The hat pattern is adorable.
Love them all! Absolutely love Freebie Friday! I did vote for the scooter skirt, but all are great. Thanks so much for this gift! Just new to Pixie Faire and have already purchased 12 items! So far have made 4 of the 12. Very easy to follow!
I love the shoes! Everything is so cute but a girl can’t have too many shoes! Thank you!
I love the hat. Thanks so much for giving us all these beautiful patterns. Freebie Friday is appreciated soooo much. I love your Pixie Farie Shop and it is the only place I buy patterns. What a neat shop!!!!
Such a hard choice, but I love reversible clothing and that scooter skirt is too cute!
j’aime bien le cloche hat un joli chapeau pour ma demoiselle c’est sympa
merci beaucoup bonne journée paulette
Very difficult choice – any of them will be fine. THANK YOU – appreciate your generous choices!
I’m voting for the 1970s Set.
Beautiful patterns! Thank you! Voted for the espadrilles, but any pattern would be great.
They are all too cute! I chose the halter and scooter, but, really all offers this week are my first choice!
Sqeeeeeee I LOVE THEM ALL!!!! It was a hard decision as I don’t have any of them but I grew up in the 70’s-80’s and that scooter skirt is calling my name. However my birthday is next week so I may just have to buy myself the other patterns :) Thanks so much for Freebie Friday, I look forward to seeing what you offer each week.
I have all but the espadrilles so I will vote for that. Thanks so much!
I love all the patterns offered. I do think the hat is cute also the skirt and top, anyone of them would be great thank you.
Thanks for the great choice of patterns, the halter top and scooter skirt get my vote the skirt is exactly what I’ve been looking for :-)
I love Freebie Fridays. Every Thursday feels like Christmas eve. All the patterns you offer are wonderful. This week the Cloche hat gets my vote. Thank you so much.
Love the shoes….thanks for your kindness.
I love all of the patterns – thank you for your great offer
Once again I am having a hard time deciding what to vote for! These are all beautiful patterns. Thanks so much for giving us these choices and for Freebie Friday. It makes my week!
Thanks so much. I vote for the espadrilles!
Hallo, ich finde die Hüte sehr schick und möchte für sie voten… ganz lieben Dank!
I vote for the halter top and scooter skirt. Thanks so much for offering free patterns on Fridays. I love them.
Hard choice but I’ll vote for the halter top and scooter skirt
Thanks so much! ?
Wow! Thank you so much for the free patterns. I do not have any of these patterns so anyone wil be very welcome. Thank you Donna and thank you Pixie Faire!
I voted for the shoes since I don’t have any shoe patterns…but this was difficult ;)
Thank you again for this wonderful offer.
I would be very interested in trying my hand at making the hat. I have never even thought of making one. Looks fabulous.
Halter top @ scooter skirt, please.
Wow! What a diverse selection this week! Any of these patterns would be a great addition to a doll’s wardrobe. Thank you for such a generously offering the free pattern this week!
I don’t have any of these and they all look so nice. I voted for the shoes hoping it will be the easiest, Thanks for the free patterns.
I voted for the shoes. My computer is messing up so hope all my comment shows up.
Thank you, Donna, for your offerings this week. Every one of them is great so it’s not an easy choice. I’ll have to go with my first impression and choose the Halter Top and Scooter – it just looks like fun. Thanks to Cinnamon too, for your part in making these votes possible.
What wonderful patterns; extremely difficult to choose! Thank you for sharing your talent with us! I’m thinking the Cloche hat would be a nice change; but I will be tickled pink with any of them!!
I love all the patterns, I’ll go with the cloche hat. Hard choice !
The cloche is a refreshing choice. Thanks for the opportunity to choose.
Love them all but think I’ll vote for the halter and scooter skirt. It is a hard choice this week! Thank you for your generosity!
Cute, Thank u!!!
I vote for Cloche Hat…it’s very cute …Thank you :-)
Thank you for the great free patterns. All were so tempting, but voted for the Cloche hat. It will look so cute with some of the new coat patterns I have received free from Pixie Faire.
I voted for the halter top set. I have many remnants that need used.
I agree with Wendy. I love the Cloche Hat. It’d be a neat addition!
I have the halter top and scooter which is really cute and easy to do I’m torn between the shoes and the hat Thanks so much for your free patterns.
Really great patterns! I cant decide between the shoes and the 1970’s outfit. Thanks Donna,and Pixie Faire!
Voted for the halter top and scooter skirt -its so cute.
OMG I have everything but the shoes lol so the shoes :)
Love all the patterns but I voted for the shoes!
Thank you for letting us vote. I am voting on those cute Espadrilles.
Tough choice this week! I love them all!
Love them all, don’t have any of them. Thank you for the gift you will be giving me on my 45th wedding anniversary!!!
Halter Top and Scooter Skirt for me, as I already bought the hat pattern. Thank you so much for Freebie Fridays! Much appreciated!
I have the hat and scooter skirt set patterns, love them both. The shoes get my vote. Thanks for your great designs and the chance to get one free on Friday.
It’s honestly so hard to choose this week! I might go for the Cloche hat, I can’t decide!
I love the hat!
I love Eden Ava Couture and Pixie Faire. Thanks for offering a free pattern. I voted for the Cloche hat. It would look fantastic with so many outfits. Every girl needs a great hat!
Thank you for the choice of patterns, they are all great.
I love the scooter skirt and the cloche hat…will be happy with any one of them. Thank you .
The hat, so cute.
I don’t have any hat patterns and the Cloche hat is so darling. Love the ideas for the added trims. Thank you for offering the Friday Freebies. It’s so much fun voting and seeing which pattern is chosen.
I love the hat. It is just adorable, and I haven’t any hat patterns from you guys yet. This would be my pick. Thank you for all the fun patterns.
I like all of these, and I love all Eden Ava patterns, but I am hoping for the Make it Stop pattern for Melody!
That 1960`s beach outfit is so cute! Got my vote!
I live the cloche hat hope it wins
I’ votin’ for the shoes!
Tha cloche hat. It would be perfect for the apron dress that I already have. Thank you for your generosity.
I voted for the Cloche hat. I have enough shorts and tops and variations of them but nothing like the hat! Can’t wait to try it.
I adore Eden Ava patterns! I have all but the espadrilles so they get my vote. A girl can never have too many shoes and these will be great back to school additions. I can see them with some of the great “60’s” patterns so popular lately! Fingers crossed!! And Thank you so very much!!
Thank you for the pattern. I have the scooter outfit so I voted for the beach inspired outfit.
What great patterns! Definately the 1970’s top and scooter though.
Love the cloche hat!
Thank you for the wonderful free patterns. I don’t have any hat patterns yet so I voted for the Cloche hat.
DeAnn Johnson
September 08, 2016
The Cloche for sure… which one was it?