Hi everyone,
On Friday (March 9th, 2018) we're offering a free doll clothes pattern from Angela McCormick of My Angie Girl. Be sure to vote today and then come back and get your copy of the winning pattern on Friday.
More About Angela (in her own words):
Vote Now
The Round Collar Dress and Bloomers Pattern For 15" Dolls: The Round Collar Dress pattern for 15” dolls is versatile and will be a staple in Baby Doll's wardrobe. The dress is designed with a high yoke. The yoke is lined and closes in the back with hook and loop fastener. The round collar is a perfect place to add embroidery work. While adding embroidery work is optional, the PDF pattern includes four (4) hand embroidery designs. These designs are just the right size for Baby Doll and can be traced onto your collar fabric and hand-stitched in colors to coordinate with your fabric. The puffed-sleeves on this dress are gathered with elastic. Little bloomers and instructions for a ribbon headband complete the outfit. Add some lace trim to dress it up or leave it plain for everyday wear.
The Scalloped Yoke Dress and Bonnet Pattern for 15" Dolls: The Scalloped-Yoke Dress pattern was inspired by an adorable Mid-1950's child's dress. The dress pattern has a high yoke, with a scalloped yoke overlay and lining. The puffed-sleeves are gathered with elastic. Bloomers and a lined Scalloped Brim Bonnet complete the outfit. Add a lot of lace trim to dress it up or just a little for everyday wear. The Scalloped Yoke also has a nice place to add a small embroidered design.
The Ruffled Nightgown Pattern for 18" Dolls: The Ruffled Nightgown pattern was inspired by Don Daily’s whimsical illustrations in The Nutcracker, a childhood holiday classic by E.T.A. Hoffman. The long gown has options for a shirred yoke and long or three-quarter length sleeves. The bodice is lined. Puffy sleeves and ruffles on the yoke give the gown a Victorian look. This design works well in lightweight cottons, cotton blends, as well as lightweight flannel. The ruffles can also be made from flat eyelet lace.
The Ruffled Nightgown Pattern for 14.5" Dolls: The Ruffled Nightgown pattern was inspired by Don Daily’s whimsical illustrations in The Nutcracker, a childhood holiday classic by E.T.A. Hoffman. The long gown has options for a shirred yoke and long or three-quarter length sleeves. The bodice is lined. Puffy sleeves and ruffles on the yoke give the gown a Victorian look. This design works well in lightweight cottons, cotton blends, as well as lightweight flannel. The Ruffles can also be made from Flat Eyelet Lace.
Take a look at the patterns:
We'd love to hear from you! Leave a comment below and thank Angela!
If you make a cute outfit using this pattern be sure to share a picture using the #pixiefaire and on Instagram!
I am so sad. :( I get the patterns for freebie friday almost every friday but I missed this one. This pattern is one of the nicest ones I’ve seen for freebie friday and I fricken missed it!
Thanks for the cute ruffled nightgown.
As I do not have a 14.5" little doll, nor a little baby doll, I will have to go with the 18" nightgown, which is gorgeous, by the way. Thank you for the advantage to get a copy
of this gown. Precious!!!!!
As I do not have a 14.5" little doll, nor a little baby doll, I will have to go with the 18" nightgown, which is gorgeous, by the way. Thank you for the advantage to get a copy
of this gown. Precious!!!!!
Thank you Angela for being so generous with your patterns! Pixie Faire: Could we please have one Wellie Wishers Friday and one Bitty Baby Friday every couple of months? These patterns never have a chance to even come close to winning due to the all the 18" dolls. I love them too, but it would be nice once in awhile for another size doll pattern to win. Thanks much!
Love the 18" doll nightgowns! Thanks!
Beautiful pattern. Thank you!
I vote for the 18" nightgown
Thanks ya’ll much appreciated, my 11yo grand daughter bought me my second ever doll in my whole life on her bday with some of her bday money from her daddy, and it means everything to me, my Rosey is an 18" red headed my life doll and my heart (my daughter and grand daughters being my heart beat and breath) so I’d love to have the beautiful night gown for the 18" doll please
It doesn’t matter which pattern win for the nightgown as I will buy the other one. I will vote for the 18’ in doll pattern as that button is working. Thanks for all the designers for the great selection of their patterns and Pixie Faire
Thank you for all the cute free patterns that you give away. It’s very generous of you. I like that a pattern for Wellie Wisher was one of them…I hope it wins!
They are all cute. Thank-You! I voted for the 18" doll nightie as that os the one I will use most.
I love the nightgown for the18" doll. Thank you
I love the ruffled nightgown for the 18 inch doll So soft and cuddly wish it was in my size lolo
Thanks Angela & Pixie Fairy. You always give us good choices. I love the nightgown for the 18". I’d love to make one for me to match. Thanks again!
Thanks to Angela and Pixie Faire for so generously sharing these sweet patterns! I voted for the WellieWishers size nightgown.
I wonder – since there are SO many 18" doll fans that it’s unlikely a WellieWishers size will win the ‘popular vote’ when going up against the 18" size, is it possible to offer folks a CHOICE between sizes in a winning pattern design? So that everyone gets one pattern, in their choice of either 18" or WellieWishers size….
Or offer some Freebie Fridays without the 18" size option, like an occasional "WellieWishers size Friday’?
Thank you!
All the patterns are great! Would love to get a little 14" love this week with the Wellie’s Ruffled Nightgown. Thanks Angie and Cinnamon!
I would love the little ruffled nightdress that will fit my Heart to Hearts doll, the 14inch size. Thank you for the lovely patterns.
I vote for the 14.5 in ruffled nightgown. I can see lots of very happy nights with the girls.
I voted for the scalloped yoke dress for the 15" doll, even though I only have an 18". I think we 18" doll people tend to be greedy and a single 18" option mixed in will typically win, just because of the size.
Perhaps you could try alternating weeks between 18" and other sizes. Surely I can’t be the only one who would be thrilled with receiving 26 FREE patterns instead of 52 each year. If exposed to more patterns for the smaller dolls many of us might buy one and then we would need more patterns!
Thank you for the generosity of weekly free patterns.
I voted for the welliewisher nightgown. I think it is adorable and since my little girls aren’t big enough yet for the 18 in doll, they have a bitty baby and a welliewisher, it’s nice to have another offering of sizes! Thanks for doing this regardless of the free pattern, it is a wonderful opportunity!
Happy International Womans’ Day everyone. These are all so cute and I voted for the ruffled nightgown for the 18" doll. The others are cute but those doll sizes don’t seem to be so popular and don’t win. Not fair to those who do have some of the smaller dolls. You could have patterns just for the smaller dolls once a month (with no 18" doll options) to give those a chance for free patterns too. May even lead to more people getting another sized doll. Thank you for sharing, we all appreciate it.
I like the ruffled nitegown the best.
Love the ruffled nightgown. So cute
Love them all, but really need some options for my Bitty Babies. The scalloped yoke dress is my choice.
All four are beautiful!! I sew for 18 inch dolls, so my pick was easier this time. No matter which one wins, thank you so much for your generosity!
Very sweet! I vote for the scalloped-yoke dress and bonnet. My youngest granddaughter would love this outfit for her baby doll.
Scallopped yoke dress/bonnet also includes bloomers! My daughters baby is tired of her big sister getting all the attention. Love them all and will be happy for any of them. TY for another fun opportunity.
Love the ruffled nightgown for the 18" doll. With the tiny flowers, delicate tucks, and ruffles any doll would feel special in it ( and her girl would love to dress her in it too). Just sooo pretty!
I think both dolls look precious, but Emma looks adorable just like daughter when she was a baby 43 years ago. She wore a lot of similar style dresses. Love these dolls. Thank you Audrey for the opportunity
Love the ruffled nightgown for the 18 inch doll
They are all adorable! Thank you, Angela, for sharing your talents with us! I love the ruffled nightie for the 18" doll.
I vote for the Round Collar Dress. Thank you.
élègante robe je vote pourRuffled Nightgown For 18 Inch Dolls
Round collar dress and bloomers would be great for Bitty Babies since there aren’t many patterns out there for them. I appreciate all your generosity.
I love the scalloped yoke baby doll dress for 15” doll. I have been looking for patterns for 15” dolls and this is perfect
I just bought the two bitty dress patterns . I admit out of all the bitty patterns available I thought yours were the sweetest. I also wanted the 18" nightgown pattern on my dream list and was so excited to see it offered on freebie Friday! Thank you very much
Thanks so much for your generosity Angela! My vote goes for the 18 inch doll ruffled nightgown
The Ruffled Nightgown for the 18" doll is my vote for this week. I love the shirred yoke in this pattern with the long sleeves. So feminine! Thanks Angela, and Cinnamon and her team, for this weeks offerings.
It was hard to choose. I love them all. But I sew for an 18 inch doll, so I chose the ruffled nightgown for the 18 in doll. thank you, they are all cute.
They are all beautiful and it made it hard to decide. The 18" nightgown finally got my vote.
All of these are wonderful, thank you so much Angie! I voted for the ruffled nightgown for the Wellie Wisher size, but any of them will be great to have.
Thank you, Angela, for offering such nice designs for the Freebie Friday!! I voted for the 18" Nightgown design. It’s beautiful!!! Thanks too, to Cinnamon & Team for having our Friday Freebies events. Such fun!! ?☘☘☘
Round collar dress and bloomers! Everything is so cute it was hard to decide. Thank you so much for offering one of your wonderful patterns.
Ruffled nightgown for 18" dolls is my choice. Cute pattern.
Thank you Angela. I have the patterns for both nightgown sizes, love them, but I am starting to sew for baby dolls so either of the dresses would be great.
I tried to vote for the 14" pattern but it didn’t seem to be registering the vote.
I agree with Christine. It’s nice to se the Bitty Baby or Wellie Wishers but if there is an 18 inch one we may as well forget it. It would be nice once a month or twice a quarter perhaps one a wellie Wishet and one a bitter baby that still leaves lots of 18!inchbones. I’d like to see a Barbie one some too
Round Collar Dress and Bloomers, is my pick, thank you.
Thank you so much for your generosity. I have made the round collar dress for 15 inch dolls many times and I just love it more each time.
Thanks so much for the free patterns. Greatly appreciated.
The patterns are all lovely, and thank you for offering them. I would love to have seen a Bitty Baby pattern win this week; the outfits are adorable. It is almost impossible once an 18" doll pattern comes in the mix, and I love 18" doll clothes. However, it is nice to have a vote for another size doll sometimes. Once a month…once a quarter…would be nice to see just Wellie patterns or just Bitty Baby offered so these type have a chance to win too. This is something for Pixie Faire to consider. Thank you, Angie, for whatever free pattern wins this week and for making them available to us.
I love the ruffled nightgown for the 18” doll. Thank you for creating such a beautiful garment.
I would pick the ruffed nitegown
Thank you for offering these wonderful patterns. All are adorable and you are very talented in designing the clothes. I voted for the round collar dress.
Sweet nightgown for the 18" dolls. Thank you!
Adorable designs! I’m excited to see that you have others for WW dolls.
Thank you for your free pattern offer.
Thank you for your generosity. Please consider an occasional week that does not include 18" dolls. It would at least give others a chance to win’
I love the scalloped dress and bonnet for the 15" doll. I don’t have any that size to sew for, but think it would be nice to have freebie for the baby doll for a change, because there are probably a lot of people that could use one. The ruffled nightgown is pretty too, but just thought I’d be different as usual. These are very pretty designs.
Oh my so sorry,,,I meant to say patterns instead of matters! Sheese, where did matters come from? Rosie
I love the 18 inch dolls BUT I also love the “baby” dolls. Would love to see more matters for these “babies”.
I voted for the Scalloped Yoke Dress and Bonnet this time! Wish I could have voted for all four of them though!!!! Keep up the good work!!!! Rosie
Thank you for these lovely patterns Angie. I voted for the Bitty Baby round collar collar dress. Its great to see these sizes here for a change. As much as I adore the 18" patterns I do have other sizes dolls to kit out (for my grandchildren honestly lol)
I, too, voted for the Wellie Wishers nightgown. Surely it has more than 49 votes and isn’t in last place. I certainly don’t think so after reading the comments.
The Wellie Wishers need a Friday Freebie. Thanks for the giveaway, but please don’t have the18" doll patterns compete with other sizes. The other sizes don’t stand a chance if an 18" pattern is in the mix. :(
Thank you, Angela, for your lovely patterns! Enjoyed reading about you and your family. I voted for the 14.5" nightgown since my husband gave me Emerson for Valentine’s Day.
Really cute ruffled nightgown for 18 inch doll
Angela, your designs are very feminine and flattering. I’m hoping the 18 inch ruffled nightgown wins; so incredibly darling!! Thank you for sharing your talent!
I voted for the !4 inch nightgown earlier before the poll was fixed. Now poll shows 24 votes and says that mine has already been counted. ODD11
Despite all of that -THANK YOU Angela for this offer
I love the gowns on both dolls. Have to choose the 18" as that is size I mostly sew for.
Thank you. I enjoy Fridays.
Add me to the list of people who voted for the 14.5"-sized nightgown whose vote didn’t register. I came back to see the comments, but voted earlier and also saw 0 votes after my vote. I also agree with P.A. who said that it would be nice to have a week where only Bitty Baby or only 13"-14.5" patterns were offered without an 18" option. All of the patterns this week are great, and I do really like the 18" nightgown pattern. It would just be nice to have a real opportunity for Freebie Fridays to be for other sizes sometimes. Thank you, Angie, though, so much for your generosity in offering the free pattern this week, and we are grateful for whatever wins. And thank you for showing us some of your patterns in different sizes.
Love the ruffled nightgown. I get a lot of requests for nightwear and like having new styles for “choices”!
Wow! This is a REALLY difficult decision! Thank you Angela for this wonderful selection and opportunity. And thank you Cinnamon for all you do.
Your counter isn’t working. I’m another person who chose the Wellie pattern, but the counter still shows 0 votes for it.
I voted for the nightgown for the 14.5 " doll and, sadly, it did not seem to register for the vote count still said “zero votes.”
It would really be nice if you would gave a vote I which ALL of the choices were for the 13" and 14.5" dolls. Including them along side of patterns for 18" dolls guarantees that they will lose.
Thank you for considering giving the 13-14" patterns a chance. There are many of us who sew for this size doll.
Voted for the 14" doll pattern but the poll didn’t count the vote. I would love to see more 14" doll clothes available.
I love 14.5 inch ruffled nightgown one
Love the nightgowns but would prefer the 18".
I voted for the nightgown for the 14.5 inches dolls (Wellie Wishers), and my vote did not show up. The count stayed at 0. I think there is something wrong with the pool, I’m sure that at least a few persons voted for that pattern.
Love the 2 ruffled nightgowns but really would love the 14.5" one!
I am making a doll wardrobe for my Grandniece as she has a new baby sister, and needs to dress “her” baby, as Mummy changes the new baby. This cute 18" nighty would make a wonderful addition. How cute!
I love them all :) our 14.5 dolls would love a special ruffled nightgown.
Thank you so much!
So glad to get more nightgowns, thank you so much!! I love the ruffled gown for the 18" girl.
I love the round collar dress and bloomers, but I don’t have a 15" doll, so I chose the ruffled nightgown for 18" doll. Love that, too.
All are darling but I vote for the 14-15 inch nightgown need more wellie wisher patterns
Thank you for the pattern! My vote is for the Ruffled Nightgown for 18" dolls.
Thank you Angela for giving us the opportunity to get one of these adorable outfits. I like them all but if I had choose just one think it would have to be the 18" nightgown.
Thank you for offering a pattern this week! The Round Collar Dress and Bloomers are adorable, but I know my daughters would love the 14.5" Ruffled Nightgown (and then ask for one to match for themselves)!
Thanks again!
ww please 14"
Love the ruffled night gown for the 18 inch doll. It is a beautiful pattern! Thank you.
I vote for the 18" nightgown. would love to make one for my Samantha who has two beds( the brass bed and the recently retired AG bed) but no nightdress!!!!Many thanks indeed for all the Friday Freebies. They are all much appreciated!
I voted for the Wellie Wisher night gown as well. Still no votes?
Love them all! Voted for the extra-cute 14.5" nightgown, because we all need this for our doll family (and real family members, too!).
Thank you so much for such great patterns!!
Voting for the 14.5 nightgown! I sure hope the glitch gets fixed and it wins! Thank you so much for the free pattern, whichever one wins! Sure hop it is the one for the Wellie Wisher!!!!
I love this pattern, I vote for The Ruffled Nightgown ,
I really like all the patterns. I voted for the Scalloped Yoke dress with the yellow bonnet. There have been a lot of 18" patterns given away and not very many for the 15" dolls. I have both size dolls and would really love to win this adorable pattern for the 15" doll. Thank you so much for all the patterns to choose from.
I’m another voter for the 14.5" nightgown and still no votes registering. Disappointing.
Thank you for all the excellent patterns. I vote for The Ruffled Nightgown Pattern for 14.5" Dolls:
i voted for the 14.5 inch doll night gown, still zero votes. What is up?? As near as I can tell there should be around 9 votes. Thank you for adorable choices.
Yes glitchn in the voting display. Any time any other option goes against an 18” option the 18” one wins. :(
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