How To Make A Starry 4th of July Headband For Dolls | Free Tutorial

Hi Everyone! Check our this amazing fun and crafty tutorial!

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It’s summer and it’s time to celebrate! There are so many good flag holidays in the summer, plus red, white, and blue is just a great all around patriotic color scheme. Celebrate this summer and this 4th of July with a super cute headband that you can make for your dolls!


  • Wide elastic, fold-over elastic, or ribbon
  • Felt in your choice of red, white, or blue, or all 3!
  • Pipe cleaners (I used metallic but regular is ok, too.)
  • Silver metallic scrapbook paper
  • Red, white, and blue narrow ribbons and/or embroidery floss, narrow rick rack, sequins, anything fun you can think of!
  • Hot glue gun and glue
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine (optional)
  • Lighter (optional)

Step 1: Cut a length of elastic that is 11 inches long for AG dolls, and 10 inches long for WellieWishers or Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls. Overlap the ends by half an inch, and sew together. If you are using ribbon, cut a length about 28 inches long for AG dolls and 22 inches long for the smaller dolls. We want it long enough to be able to tie easily, and then have pretty ribbon ends hanging down.

Step 2: Cut a rounded rectangle of felt 3 inches by 1 inch for AG dolls and 2 inches by 1 inch for the smaller dolls. Set aside, as we will use it later. Take your felt and cut out three stars large enough to cover the width of your elastic or ribbon. We took a few minutes to make a template out of white paper. We made stars about 2.25 inches wide from point to point for AG dolls and 1.75 inches from point to point for the smaller dolls.

Step 3: Take a pipe cleaner and cut it in half. Now take one end and push the wire through the center of one of the stars. You may need to poke a tiny hole in the felt with a seam ripper or carefully with a pair of scissors. You just want it big enough for the wire to fit through. Let the pipe cleaner stick out about an inch and a half on the underside of the felt. Holding the long end of the pipe cleaner perpendicular to the felt, bend the short end right where it touches the felt and make a right angle, so it is now flush with the back of the star. Bend it again about a 1/4 inch away from your first end, then wind the leftover length into a swirl shape. You want this to be flush with the bottom of the felt, as it is going to act like a sort of anchor to keep the pipe cleaner from tipping over. Once you are happy with the swirl, make sure it is not showing from the top side of the star.

Repeat on a second star, and trim the long part of the pipe cleaners to 2 3/8 inches for AG dolls and 2 inches for smaller dolls.

Step 4: Now we are going to glue the stars to the elastic or ribbon. Place the rectangle of felt you cut earlier under your elastic or ribbon and lightly hot glue in place. Then place one star with a pipe cleaner attached on top and glue in place on the left side, making a “sandwich”, if you will. Then glue the star with no pipe cleaner in the center, overlapping them just a little, then the third star with pipe cleaner on the right, again overlapping a little. Make sure you now get glue on the edges of the bottom rectangle to make a good seal around your elastic or ribbon.

Step 5: Now the fun part! You need to cut many lengths of ribbon and/or embroidery thread, or any other fun, sparkly stuff you can think of. For my AG doll I cut my lengths at 3.5 inches, and for my smaller dolls I cut them at 2.5 inches. A little crafting trick is to use a lighter and just barely melt the ends of the ribbons so that they do not fray. This will not work on cotton or other natural fibers, but most ribbons nowadays are polyester. Now your ribbons are “heat sealed”!

Once they are all cut and ends melted separate into two piles. Using your hot glue carefully, arrange your ribbons and attach them to each other into two little bundles. Keep in mind you are making a front or good side. Set bundles of ribbon aside.

Step 6: Using your silver scrapbook paper, cut out 4 stars, as close to identical as you can get them. We used our smaller star templates from before for both doll sizes.

Now carefully hot glue one of your bundles of ribbons to the wrong side of one of the stars. Make sure they are clustered in the middle, and that your front is facing the front of the paper. Repeat for a second star.

Step 7: Having the beribboned silver stars on front, and the other two stars on the back, glue the stars like a sandwich around the tops of the pipe cleaners, enclosing as much of the sides as you can. Let the ribbons hang down and don’t catch any in your star sandwich.

Once your hot glue has cooled and your hot glue strings have been eliminated, you’re done!

These are so super cute, I’m sure all your dolls will want one for the celebrations to come!!

We'd love to see your creations too, so if you make one, please tag us on Instagram @forofsuch @PixieFaire 

You can also share pictures in the Pixie Faire Inspiration Gallery right here on the website, either use the #pixiefaire when posting on IG, or just click the little + box to upload your picture right here on the website!

Thanks everyone!

For Pixie Faire, @forofsuch



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Teresa Kunberger
Teresa Kunberger

June 09, 2021

This year we are doing a 4th of july family reunion :) I get to meet a bunch of my husbands family. I am super excited!

Jackie Koepnick
Jackie Koepnick

June 09, 2021

picnic with all the goodies potato salad burgers and chicken with friends and family


June 09, 2021

Our 4th of July celebration is usually pretty low key. Watching fireworks displays on t.v. is about the extent of our excitement! BUT, we usually grill and make a more picnic-style meal. This includes making potato salad…which my husband especially likes. I don’t make it very often, so this is a special treat!

Judith J Acosta
Judith J Acosta

June 09, 2021

Our family has been so spread out that was hard to get everyone together for any celebration. Now that we have all moved to the same town we will be doing it up big time. Fireworks, bar b q, and swimming. The whole nine yards with 4 generations.


June 09, 2021

we celebrate July 1st here in Canada. so we usually Barbecue and go watch fireworks.


June 09, 2021

Our neighborhood has a little parade, with the children decorating their bikes, scooter and wagons, and the dressed up dogs parading with the kids. At the end there are prizes, cookies and lemonade, and visiting with neighbors.


June 09, 2021

We usually celebrate the July 4th holiday with a cookout with family. This year, my great grandkids are here from Missouri so we will all be meeting at the campsite to celebrate their final weekend in Ohio.


June 09, 2021

I send greetings to my American neighbours/friends (or should I say neighbors).

Marty C
Marty C

June 09, 2021

We enjoy family and stay home and relax!


June 09, 2021

A backyard picnic with family and pets. Before Covid it would have been a full day of a morning parade and evening concert and fireworks. Miss that!


June 09, 2021

BBQ with family and friends. Pray for peace in the world!


June 09, 2021

We are going to grill with family.


June 09, 2021

I give my dog sedatives and try to keep him quiet as the fireworks are beyond upsetting for him. We celebrate quietly as a family and give the dog a lot of attention.


June 09, 2021

Family picnic and then fireworks.


June 09, 2021

BBQ with family, swimming in the pool, and then fireworks at the beach.

Allison T
Allison T

June 09, 2021

This is super cute!! I love spending the 4th with family, watching fireworks, catching fireflies, and eating good food!


June 09, 2021

I spend the 4th of July going to my nephew’s birthday. He was born on the 4th of July which makes him a real firecracker.

Anne C-E
Anne C-E

June 09, 2021

Usually our small town has a parade and a village wide cookout at volunteer park.we get hot dogs and get to meet any new neighbors and catch up with ones we couldn’t see during the lock down.


June 09, 2021

I am still hoping to be visiting my daughter in California for a fourth of July celebration. It looks like a wonderful day.


June 09, 2021

We celebrate the Fourth of July with either friends or family depending on our location. We usually have a picnic and enjoy watching the fireworks.


June 09, 2021

This 4th of July I’ll sit on my porch and watch the fireworks display in town. Now that the trees in the neighborhood have grown so tall, I can only see the displays that are very high up in the air. lol

Jennie R
Jennie R

June 09, 2021

We celebrate 4th of July with friends and a BQ and stay up late to watch the fireworrks from their front yard with our blankets and chairs and snacks.


June 09, 2021

This 4th of July I’ll sit on my porch and watch the fireworks display in town. Now that the trees in the neighborhood have grown so tall, I can only see the displays that are very high up in the air. lol


June 09, 2021

We usually have a cookout and bbq and then our own fireworks show (weather permitting).

Denise Darby
Denise Darby

June 09, 2021

Our family barbecues and watch the neighbor hood shoot off their fireworks.


June 09, 2021

Usually Burgers and fun summer food. Fireworks are super fun as well

Susan Fritz
Susan Fritz

June 09, 2021

We definitely watch the fireworks! We generally have a barbecue at our daughter’s house.. The grandkids used to decorate their bikes and themselves and participate in the parade.


June 09, 2021

the 4th of July has been a favorite with our children for a long time, as a matter of fact, our son (now 34) preferred 4th July to Christmas!! We sit by the garage and the grandchildren (and grandpa) light fireworks on the drive way and we all oh and ah LOL. BTW our drive way is 1/8 mile long and we live on 5 acres (so lots of room and no nearby neighbors)


June 09, 2021

Our family always meets for a parade in the morning then back to our house for swimming and a BBQ. The children love making a river in the sandbox.(The adults use shovlels to make the river) My Mom used to get small flags for the kids to wave and parade around the back yard.

Katherine Ackerman
Katherine Ackerman

June 09, 2021

I usually get together with family. We cook out and enjoy bein together and remembering the people who served for our freedom.

Ruth Ann
Ruth Ann

June 09, 2021

We spend 4th of July with friends, watching a parade, eating too much, going for a swim.


June 09, 2021

Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet :)


June 09, 2021

We always spend the 4th of with family and friends. We eat to much, get sunburned, swim in the kiddy pool with the little ones yelling, get out of our pool.

Sheila chelednik
Sheila chelednik

June 09, 2021

We usually have a family pool party where the whole family gets together.


June 09, 2021

We put out the American flag in the front yard in the morning, wear red, white, and blue, and enjoy the meaning of the day.


June 09, 2021

Oh my gosh! this craft is so adorable and creative! This is definitely a craft that I will be doing!


June 09, 2021

I just try and enjoy the day, carve out a little of time for me to do something creative.


June 09, 2021

No traditions…fly the flag, Watch fireworks. Pray for our nation.


June 09, 2021

We usually have our friends (military family) over for ribs or burgers as well as a swim. This year is special because my niece and her family have moved to Texas. We are now the closest relative so they will be coming!


June 09, 2021

I prepare a good dinner and enjoy the fireworks!


June 09, 2021

I go to my cabin and watch the fireworks!


June 09, 2021

love the free headband for the 4th of July. thanks!


June 09, 2021

We typically have all family together for a BBQ and swim party. Then go to my daughter’s (3 miles up the road-on the highway less fields to burn!) for the kids to light fireworks and then we watch our town’s large firework display from there.

Barbara Wolford
Barbara Wolford

June 09, 2021

Hugging my great grandchildren after many months of not being able to!!


June 09, 2021

We watch the fireworks display from our front porch.


June 09, 2021

Here in Alabama fireworks are legal, so several neighbors put on a neighborhood show for everyone.

Karen Cook
Karen Cook

June 09, 2021

Family BBQ and fun in the pool!


June 09, 2021

We have cheeseburgers and watch A Capital Fourth, and then we go out and launch fireworks. So much fun!


June 09, 2021

The 4th is rather quiet now that the kids are spread all over the country. I hang a 7’ flag from a second story window. Sadly, our town hasn’t had a parade in years.


June 09, 2021



June 09, 2021

I spend the 4th of July week at our “camp” in Maine and attend as many fireworks displays as I can.


June 09, 2021

Picnic food and fireworks!

Pauline Bartlett-Redden
Pauline Bartlett-Redden

June 09, 2021

We celebrate July 1st in Canada. Thought I could add some maple leafs to the headband and make it red and white. I’ll keep the stars though. So cute.

Kathy Williams
Kathy Williams

June 09, 2021

We spend the fourth by ourselves every year. I try to cook barbeque.


June 09, 2021

BBQ and watch fire works. Have a AAA baseball field just a couple miles away so sit out on the deck and watch their fireworks. Can’t shoot the off where I live!


June 09, 2021

We have a huge party on the 4th for 40 years & counting! With over 100 people – playing baseball, volleyball, bags, water balloons, and bouncy house. Family & friends call it "Gatto Olympics "

Juanita Lanaux
Juanita Lanaux

June 09, 2021

I celebrate with barbeque and watching the fireworks over Cheyenne Mountain.


June 09, 2021

For the 4th of July, we go camping—where there can be no fireworks to stress out our dogs!
Or we spend it with my son who was born on the 4th of July!!!


June 09, 2021

I celebrate by doing patriotic photo shoot with my dolls. They are posted to my online doll groups.

Mardelle J.
Mardelle J.

June 09, 2021

We spend the 4th of July at the lake with family and friends. It is usually a 3+ day event for us.

Patti M
Patti M

June 09, 2021

The 4th for us is generally food, family, friends and fun. Last year was a bit different but looks like we will be have a modified get together this year in the form of an old fashion barn raising. My nephew is constructing a large metal building and we have about 10 families coming to help.

Linda  M.
Linda M.

June 09, 2021

Before Covid I usually did a large art show with my doll clothes so was busy with that all during the 4th but would fit in a few traditional events like parade, fish boil, fireworks, beach so the last two 4th of July days have been more low key probably picnic and beach. Thanks


June 09, 2021

Usually, my mom and I just eat some cupcakes and try and keep the dog from being too scared of the fireworks.


June 09, 2021

We enjoy time at the lake and watch the fireworks.

Kathi M
Kathi M

June 09, 2021

We usually spend the 4th of July at a car and craft show. Just walking around enjoying the day.


June 09, 2021

Before my dad passed we had homemade ice cream and fireworks. Now it is just another day.


June 09, 2021

One of the favorite times of year and such a great celebration for so many! Love seeing the different food from the various branches of the family and hanging out until time for fireworks!

Cynthia C
Cynthia C

June 09, 2021

I usually have a picnic on the fourth of July.


June 09, 2021

Decorate the house, have a BBQ and celebrate our wonderful country.

Rose Mack
Rose Mack

June 09, 2021

We gather with family, have a cookout and play games.


June 09, 2021

We have a picnic every year. Then watch fireworks.


June 09, 2021

I take the kids to the next city & sit by the police station & bridge to enjoy the view & the police horses until the fireworks start. We hang out in the grass, people watch & chat. An organization goes around giving out free rocket pops & my kids still think that is so cool! It’s one of our favorite holidays. No stress, no worrying about gifts or a million obligations.


June 09, 2021

We go to the town’s parade and then have a picnic with family.


June 09, 2021

Gather with family and friends, Have a cookout and go to a community fireworks show.

Darlene W
Darlene W

June 09, 2021

We go camping the 4th weekend at Hersheypark campground. We go to the park, shop the outlets, and watch the magnificent fireworks display put on the Hershey corporation. We also celebrate my BFF’s wedding anniversary (this year 62 years) with a cookout.

Karen Gilbert
Karen Gilbert

June 09, 2021

We go to the lake in our town to watch the fireworks and see the festivities. Then we go to the grandkids homes to see them shoot off their fireworks.


June 09, 2021

We celebrate the 4th by respectfully being quiet. Veterans have told the community repeatedly that the sound of fireworks triggers their PTSD and causes intense fear and leaves them in a constant anxious state on and around the 4th. We respect them by not having fireworks or any other noise.


June 09, 2021

We set off fireworks!

Linda Cerra
Linda Cerra

June 09, 2021

Love the 4th of July and if I don’t have to work(sigh!) I will be celebrating USA style minus fireworks as they scare the dogs. Lots of food and beach time


June 09, 2021

I am British, therefore I don’t celebrate 4th July but I love to hear about the celebrations and I love all the patriotic costumes!


June 09, 2021

We have lots of friends and family over for a cookout. Lots of fun!

Fran Bott
Fran Bott

June 09, 2021

Lots of good food with family and friends!

Barbara Lima
Barbara Lima

June 09, 2021

Love celebrating the 4th. This year will be very quiet.


June 09, 2021



June 09, 2021

There is a big fireworks show at the park in town we like attend.


June 09, 2021

We celebrate with my husband’s family in SC. Cousins drive from VA, NC, AL, FL and GA to get together one time a year. So much fun!!
I would love to win. I sew for charity and can use all the help I can get.


June 08, 2021

With my family. My husband was born on the 4th of July. He’s a firecracker! Me, I was born on Thanksgiving, I’m a turkey. Lol

Taffy Cheerful
Taffy Cheerful

June 08, 2021

Take our four rescued basset hounds down to the beach for a good run, followed by a picnic…

Diane R
Diane R

June 08, 2021

My nephew and his wife host a gathering with friends and family. We each bring a dish to share and when it gets dark they have a fireworks display. It is very special since we have ages of 92 down to newborn. That’s 5 generations.


June 08, 2021

I celebrate the 4th of July with family, food, and fun along with some sparklers and Twinkie cake.


June 08, 2021

I celebrate the 4th of July with family, food, and fun along with some sparklers and Twinkie cake.


June 08, 2021

I celebrate the 4th of July with family, food, and fun along with some sparklers and Twinkie cake.


June 08, 2021

We seem to end up doing different things every year but usually BBQ and watching the firework display is a part of the day! Sometimes we also go and play tennis and I like to wear my American flip flops and shirt!

GOD BLESS AMERICA and I’m thankful for all those men and women who served to keep this great country free!!!


June 08, 2021

We always start the day with the city firemen’s breakfast. Then there’s the parade, and a huge fireworks show that evening. The best part of the day, though, is the time spent with family!


June 08, 2021

with the family

Lynne Govers
Lynne Govers

June 08, 2021

First I put the dog in her kennel. I wrap the kennel in a beach towel. Then I put the wrapped kennel with dog into the inner bathroom bathtub. Turn on the fan, close the door. Walk across the street to our neighborhood celebration with food, fireworks, and lots of kids. God bless America.


June 08, 2021

The 4th of July head band is really cute and easy to make. Thank you for the creative idea and the instructions.

Gail Beam
Gail Beam

June 08, 2021

With a BBQ and sparklers for the kids

Gail Beam
Gail Beam

June 08, 2021

With a BBQ and sparklers for the kids

Gail Beam
Gail Beam

June 08, 2021

With a BBQ and sparklers for the kids

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