Liberty Jane Clothing brand doll clothes patterns are available to purchase exclusively through Pixie Faire. We create custom patterned outfits, with an intense focus on design detail & strive to give our customers the chance to create something rare & beautiful.
| 18" American Girl | 14.5" Welliewishers | 18" Kidz N Cats | 18" BFC, Ink. | 16" AGAT | 16" Ellowyne Wilde | 11.5" Barbie Fashion Dolls | 13-14" Dolls |
It’s your call. Will your 18" doll look like a prep school girl or a rocker?...
OH Chihuahua! Your AG Doll can’t take her puppy anywhere without a high quality puppy...
It’s a modern miracle. Getting Skinny Jeans over an American Girl® Doll’s foot. But this amazing Skinny...
Free tank top pattern for 18 inch American Girl® dolls! Why are we offering this...
The UK Holiday Outfit was featured in the Liberty Jane® Spring 2010 International Collection. This...
Ready to make a tee shirt for your Karito Kids doll? Our trendy tee shirt pattern...
The Liberty Jane® Clothing Tokyo Libby: Steam outfit was part of the International Collection, this...