Mod Doll Monday (Oct 30-Nov 6) Who Wears It Best

Hi everyone,

The question is simple, who wears it best? 

This week's Mod Doll Monday contest is featuring the adorable work of Heidi Mittiga the designer behind the Flossie Potter Brand. Be sure to vote to help us decide which doll models it best.

More About The Dolls:

Truly Me 63: According to the American Girl® website, The 18-inch Truly Me™ doll has a huggable cloth body, eyes that open and close, hair that can be styled, and a movable head and limbs made of smooth vinyl. This doll has light skin tone, medium-length blond hair, and blue eyes. She arrives wearing a printed dress with a mesh hem, a zip-front moto jacket with a star zipper pull, and glittery flat shoes.

Truly Me 60: According to the American Girl® website, The 18-inch Truly Me™ doll has a huggable cloth body, eyes that open and close, hair that can be styled, and a movable head and limbs made of smooth vinyl. This doll has light skin tone, black-brown hair, and blue eyes. She arrives wearing a printed dress with a mesh hem, a zip-front moto jacket with a star zipper pull, and glittery flat shoes.

More About The Outfit:  This adorable outfit designed to fit 18" American Girl® dolls, includes a fully lined red wool swing coat which has raglan sleeves, rolled cuffs, and a single frog closure. The look is complimented with a hat and mittens made from Tuscan Winter Set pattern. We've completed the look with a cute pair of black Mary-jane style shoes! It's the perfect holiday look for your 1950's girl!

Make It Today: Like the look and want to make your own? You can get the pattern here:


Vote Now & Enter To Win: You enter through the entry form that is embedded on this page and appears just below this paragraph, if you don't see it, be sure to visit the page from your desktop or an alternate browser such as Google Chrome. It may not appear on all mobile devices. The complete rules and entry details appear on the entry form. This is not a comment contest - in other words leaving a comment on the bottom of this page is not an official entry method. The only required entry method is to vote in the poll to help us decide which look is best. One person will receive the doll and the outfit. You can enter once, or gain multiple entries by completing the other entry methods, and increase your chances of winning. Please review all Terms and Conditions on the giveaway page before entering. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Liberty Jane Clothing and Pixie Faire. Not endorsed by or affiliated with American Girl®.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


More pictures of each doll:


We'd love to hear from you. Leave a comment and tell us - which doll wears it best! And be sure to thank Heidi for giving away such a cute outfit!

Thanks everyone,

The Pixie Faire Team



November 01, 2017

I love #60. She has the perfect face and coloring for this outfit. Thanks.


November 01, 2017

Wow! That’s such a cute outfit. Thank you, Heidi. Two more patterns to add to my wish list! They are both adorable but I chose #60 this time. Thanks again!

Martha K F
Martha K F

November 01, 2017

Christmas is too close, I’m not ready for it, but the bright red coat just might inspire me.


November 01, 2017

What an adorable outfit! My vote is for #60. Thank you Heidi!


November 01, 2017

#60, because her dark hair sets off the red and white so well.

Mary C
Mary C

November 01, 2017

Thank you Heidi, both look adorable in it, hard to choose.

Cathleen Meder
Cathleen Meder

November 01, 2017

Love the patterns. Thank you so much!

Karen L
Karen L

November 01, 2017

This is a super cute outfit – perfect for the holidays. I voted for #60 this week. Thanks for another great contest and this adorable pattern by Heidi/Flossie Potter.


November 01, 2017

Love the outfit on #60. Her dark hair compliments it.


November 01, 2017

Oh my…love at first sight! This is such a gorgeous outfit and would look beautiful on any doll but i think I’ll go with #60 this week! Thank you Heidi!


November 01, 2017

I think that #60 wears it best. The white hat and red hat are a nice contrast with her dark hair. Thank you Heidi for this give away!

Rachel Mutchler
Rachel Mutchler

November 01, 2017

Thank you Heidi, the outfit is simply lovely. I think # 60 wears it best.


November 01, 2017

Thank you so much for designing a coat with so much flow. The red reminds me of Christmas and brings out #60’s features, that is why I think she wears it best.

Anna Wenzlick
Anna Wenzlick

November 01, 2017

I like it best on 60. With her dark hair it makes the white cap stand out better. And contrasts well with the coat.


November 01, 2017

Love it. Great designer.

Brenda Ward
Brenda Ward

November 01, 2017

I love this look on both dolls, but I really like #60 the best. I think the colors really suit her. Thank you for all of the beautiful patterns that you offer.


October 31, 2017

I chose #60 because I love red on brunettes but it looks lovely on both!


October 31, 2017

with the dark hair makes the outfit pop! Thanks for sharing!

October 31, 2017

This outfit is too adorable. Thank you Heidi. I voted for #60. Love how her dark hair looks with the dark trim on the coat.


October 31, 2017

I like it best with the dark hair of #60. Thank you Heidi—very cute.


October 31, 2017

Love the outfit!


October 31, 2017

Love, love, love this outfit. Thank you.

Kathy G
Kathy G

October 31, 2017

Love the entire outfit. I think #63 wears it best


October 31, 2017

I like #60 in the outfit Thank you Heidi


October 31, 2017

#60! So pretty with that dark hair.


October 31, 2017

I voted for #60. I love her dark hair and the dark trim. Really compliments each other.


October 31, 2017

I think doll # 63 looks great in this…very Scandinavian. Thank you so much for the beautiful pattern and the chance to win


October 31, 2017

Adorable outfit. Thank you so much for your lovely designs.

Nancy Ward
Nancy Ward

October 31, 2017

I think #60 wears it best! Such an adorable outfit!

Cheryl N
Cheryl N

October 31, 2017

Thank you very much, this is gorgeous. I went with 63 though they both look good in this coat.


October 31, 2017

Another hard choice but I chose 60, love the color with her dark eyes


October 31, 2017

Thank you for the opportunity to win. I chose tm #60. It was a close tie though!

Julie W
Julie W

October 31, 2017

This is so cute and perfect for the upcoming holidays. I want to go on a sleigh ride now ?

Candice Lacy
Candice Lacy

October 31, 2017

Thanks Heidi! I think #60 wears it best-totally sets off her coloring.

Lauren F.
Lauren F.

October 31, 2017

I love how the red pops against #60’s dark hair. Thanks for the giveaway!

Judy H
Judy H

October 31, 2017

The pretty red poncho and hood looks so lovely and Christmas ready on # 63. Thank you Heidi for this beautiful Christmas design.

Sarah S
Sarah S

October 31, 2017

Adorable outfit! I chose #63.


October 31, 2017

is ready for snow. Thanks, Heidi.
Barbara Secrest
Barbara Secrest

October 31, 2017

It was a tough call on who wears it best….Both are gorgeous. I did chose #60 because of the dark hair being emphasized the the red color. Heidi, I love your patterns and this little set is great. Thank you, Pixie Faire, for offering us this opportunity.


October 31, 2017

Love your patterns, Heidi! Thanks! I like #60 best in this outfit.


October 31, 2017

Thank you Heidi. Such a cute outfit. I remember the hats. I love #60 in the outfit. Her blue eyes and dark hair make the outfit pop. Thanks again!


October 31, 2017

Wonderful doll and outfit! THANKS,

Elizabeth G
Elizabeth G

October 31, 2017

I chose #60. Her long dark hair and cape compliment each other.

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