12 Days of Christmas - Day 8 January 1st, 2018

Welcome to Day 8 of our 12 Days Of Christmas celebration! And Happy New Year too!

Today we are giving away 8 pairs of shoes for 18" American Girl dolls to one lucky winner! The shoes featured here have been hand-made by the respective designers using their PDF doll shoe patterns! Looking for more shoe patterns? Be sure to check out our doll shoe pattern collection today!

Giveaway Update: Congratulations Margaret!  You've won the shoe package and have been contacted through email.

The items included in today's giveaway are:


More pictures of the shoes included in todays giveaway:


It's 2017  - the time when we start setting new goals for the year! Maybe it's to be a better designer, learn new sewing skills, or launch a craft business selling the items you make from all the patterns available at Pixie Faire! 

To enter simply respond to this post in the comment box below and complete this sentence:

“My goal for 2018 is to…”

Comments must be left (on this blog post) by midnight (Pacific), 1/1/2018.

One entry per person.

No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Must be 18 or older to enter. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Liberty Jane Clothing and Pixie Faire.

The winner will be chosen randomly from the comments received and contacted through the email provided in the comment.

We will choose a winner and update this post tomorrow to let everyone know who won.

Okay, good luck, and if we’ve forgotten anything we will modify and/or update this post as needed.

Happy New Year!

Cinnamon & The Liberty Jane / Pixie Faire Team



January 01, 2018

Organize the craft room, then get crafting!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get organized, finish my unfinished projects ,and trying out some new techniques

Desiree Jenkins
Desiree Jenkins

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get caught up on finances


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend less time at work and more time on hobbies and outdoors.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be less of a procrastinator! Thank you!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend more time with friends and family, and still make time to sew.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to not buy too many dolls and actually work on their collections instead!


January 01, 2018

My goal is to get my circular sock knitting machine up and running AND to improve my sewing skills. Both will require taking classes!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to open an Etsy store to sell 18 inch doll clothes.

Nancy M
Nancy M

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to use up my stash. HA!

Judith Elliott
Judith Elliott

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to do more of what i want to do this year, which is to make more time for sewing.

Donna Jones
Donna Jones

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be healthier.

julie b
julie b

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get more crafting done, lose weight and be happy.

Martha Lee-Cook
Martha Lee-Cook

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to teach young girls to sew their dolls new clothes.

Rita Jean
Rita Jean

January 01, 2018

“My goal for 2018 is to be kinder to myself, not take the weight of the world on my shoulders, doing more of the things i enjoy and playing with my dolls“.


January 01, 2018

my goal is to try and keep my sewing area cleaner and give my self more me time to be creative in sewing

Anne Scarabelli
Anne Scarabelli

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to utilize the sewing academy to enhance my sewing skills. I live far away from my 7 year old granddaughter, but sewing and knitting for her American Girl dolls makes me feel close to her.

Janet H
Janet H

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get better organized


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get back to designing and sewing. I now have a sewing studio in our new home and I am excited to get going. I also need to continue organizing and finish decorating my home.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to focus on health. I hope to take time to sew, particularly doll clothes.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to clear surfaces in my life!


January 01, 2018

I usually don’t make goals but one thing I would like to do more of is help others out when in need…included in that is to sew and crochet blankets, hats, etc. for babies in the NICU as a friend of my daughter has a ministry…Lifesong Ministry…that sends gift bags to families with children in the NICU. look her ministry up…based in MN


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to create AND STICK to a schedule for my sewing time. :-)

Ms. AGdoll
Ms. AGdoll

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend more time crafting for my dolls.


January 01, 2018

Finish the projects I have started and decluttered

Pat T
Pat T

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to sew a lot more, and improve my skills.


January 01, 2018

To keep busy at doing the things I have always wanted to do. Especially finishing sewing projects and learning how to use my new sewing-embroidery machine.


January 01, 2018

My goal in 2018 is to take care of me too!

Lori S
Lori S

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to do more sewing.

Amma J
Amma J

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get my time better organized. I have so much to do but never seem to have the time to do it. I will set aside “me” time every day. It might not be much, but it will be mine, and it is a start. Happy New Year to one & all.


January 01, 2018

“My goal for 2018 is to get a part-time job to support my crafting."

Carol Johns
Carol Johns

January 01, 2018

My goals for 2018 are to continue sewing doll clothes and teach myself new techniques and designs. I plan to search garage sales and thrift shops for dolls that need rescued cleaned up and sewn for as Christmas gifts for girls in need.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to start making doll cloth for my granddaughters.

Barbara Snedegar
Barbara Snedegar

January 01, 2018

Decluttered! Downsize accumulated stuff! Organize what I HAVE to keep and get those projects finished. We remodeled our kitchen recently and I unloaded a TON of stuff. It felt so liberating! So now it’s time to work on the rest of the house, starting with my sewing room. It’s an ongoing battle but I intend to stay on top of it this year.


January 01, 2018

My goal is to stop messing around and get some doll clothes made from the fabulous patterns I’ve bought & own through the generous offerings of Cinnamon and her ladies! I even have tons of fabric, thread and plenty of accessories…2018 is going to be my year!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to not procrastinate as much as last year!


January 01, 2018

One of my goals for 2018 is to make more AG doll clothes for my 2 granddaughters who have the dolls and to stash some away for the 3rd granddaughter who will get one in a couple of years.

Patricia A O'Reilly
Patricia A O'Reilly

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make my 2 Cute Doll Boutique store run more efficiently with possibly adding matching girl & doll outfits.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to use up all the old gift cards around here plus sew a boat load of clothing for the 3 American Girls/Boys of my grandchildren.

joyce b
joyce b

January 01, 2018

My goal is to finish the projects I already have started

Connie H
Connie H

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be more creative and to complete more projects. I have have many UFO’s (unfinished Objects) in my sewing room – in stacks! I’ve been sorting them into boxes to make sure that I have all the pieces and supplies. I have to finish 3 started projects before I am allowing myself to start a new project!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to shovel out my sewing room!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is generate enough business that we can submit my green card application! I want to visit my family at Easter and support my business partner.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get our home more organized, finish my projects, and get more exercise!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make time for sewing, amongst the times for working, relaxing, and sleeping!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to love God more.

Cathie W
Cathie W

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get all the patterns I have cut and ready to sew done.

Jane Converse
Jane Converse

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make 1 outfit per week for Ava’s doll closet.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make time for a few things each day: spiritual practice, movement, and creating. I know that I will have to let some other things go to make this happen.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to relax more, have more fun, and appreciate the little things.


January 01, 2018

My goal in 2018 is to continue to sew and create more clothes for my 3 young granddaughters dolls both in the sizes of 18 inch and 14 inch. I also want to get back to making porcelain dolls and create outfits for them. I am so glad to have gotten in touch with pixie faire and the great patterns you have for us to enjoy. I am retired and sewing has been a joy since I was a young girl with my Ginnys.

Kathleene H
Kathleene H

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make more time for sewing, quilting and machine embroidery. To start believing in myself, and say and think… “Yes I do a great job and accept the compliments with my own clarification”

Kami Jan
Kami Jan

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to try to relax a little. I tend to stress over everything and I want to be able to work on ptojects without stressing over everything.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to…make several pairs of shoes for my 14" doll “models.” Stitchin’ for Kids’ project donates dolls with wardrobes to girls who are hospitalized for extended periods of time. I need shoes to match the outfits for pictures on our websites and in our newsletter. Winning eight pairs of shoes would allow me to see how they are made. The real thing is worth a thousand pics and directions!

January 01, 2018

My goals for 2018 include creating a great sewing space in our new home where I can try out the many doll clothing and quilt ideas that have been put on hold during our recent move (my sewing was put away for 9 long months)! I would also love to find one or a few women or children I could mentor/teach sewing to…one of my favorite things!

Dotti G.
Dotti G.

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend my time more wisely in order to accomplish more.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to continue sewing doll clothes for my nieces.


January 01, 2018

Would love these shoes. Looking at them, it makes me want to make outfits to go with all of them. They are so adorable and cute. You guys are giving the best gifts this holiday season THANK YOU!!!

Ruth Kenney
Ruth Kenney

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be more physically active, and also learn how to make doll shoes!

LInda H
LInda H

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to continue with my dog’s training and enroll him in agility training. Oh course, my continuing goal is to get more sewing done.

Wendy R
Wendy R

January 01, 2018

One of my many goals for 2018 is to stay focused on what is at hand to do now and do it. I have started a list for each week of things that I want to accomplish. And at the top of the list for this week is clean the oven. There are two small sewing projects and to deep clean the hall closet.My Motto for this year is “onward and forward”. Wishing everyone a successful new year.

Chris H
Chris H

January 01, 2018

My Goal for 2018 is to sew more, learn new sewing techniques and go camping more with my family.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to take a little of time for myself, and sew some beautifull doll dresses.

Rita C.
Rita C.

January 01, 2018

My sewing goal for 2018 is to use up the material and supplies I already have before buying more. I want to become more patient and kind to everyone!


January 01, 2018

Since I help care of my grandkids while they are in school and I am retired and spend most everyday with my husband. I think I would like to get my husband back on the remodeling of our house. Maybe just enjoy life..


January 01, 2018

My goal is to use my time more efficiently


January 01, 2018

I am looking forward to graduating and launching my new career path. I plan to work on decluttering my home if the things I don’t need or treasure. I will also work on carving out more time for self care.

Sue Loughner
Sue Loughner

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to focus on what is important in my life and make more time to work on sewing projects.

Corinna Pratt-Wintersgill
Corinna Pratt-Wintersgill

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to use my new pressure feet to make some clothes for all five of my daughter’s dolls!
Happy New Year to you and your staff and their families!


January 01, 2018

Change my outlook on things….


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to give personalized embroidered towels as birthday gifts to all the important people in my life.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to continue making and sharing American Girl doll clothes/accessories with my Granddaughter.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make a lot of doll clothes and do a lot of craft shows and sell a lot of what I make.

Debra W.
Debra W.

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to take each day one at a time and live it to the fullest because tomorrow there is no guarantee.

Mary Mae
Mary Mae

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to finally start making doll clothes and to sell them for a reasonable amount or give them away. I have been saving and buying fabric patterns for years for my retirement pleasure. There was a hitch in my plan as my husband got sick; I stayed home to care for him but after he had passed I didn’t pick back up. It is going to be four years. I’m hoping this is the year:o)


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to fulfill my goals from 2017, which were carried over from 2015, originally made in about 2010!

Deana Robell
Deana Robell

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be a great wife, mother, mother-in-law and Grammie.

Sandi P
Sandi P

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get back into sewing . I am looking forward to making doll clothes. I am hoping my sewing projects will spark an interest in my granddaughter learning how to sew .
A great way for us to spend time together.

Mary G
Mary G

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be more grateful for the people in my life.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to continue with furthering my career by earning my next degree. A 2 year process. While continuing to work full time and sewing on my breaks.

Jo M
Jo M

January 01, 2018

My 2018 goal is to sew some AG clothes and accessories for my great neices’ dolls and get some UFOs finished in my quilting room.

Anne P
Anne P

January 01, 2018

spend more time with family

Barb M.
Barb M.

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to continue decluttering my home so I have space for what I really love! I made progress in 2017, but have to finish up this winter so I can enjoy the summer this year! Have others too, continue losing weight, sew more, do art more and …..


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get healthier and learn to make my own patterns. Pixie Faire has been a great teacher !

Mary K
Mary K

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to sew one new pattern a month.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to organize my craft room.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to manage my time better so I have more time to sew.

Carol JB
Carol JB

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to help make this world a better place to live in. To treat all my friends, family and strangers the way I want to be treated. To take less and give more.


January 01, 2018

beautiful shoes, i likes.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to lose weight and sew more.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to try and improve my sewing skills again. I would love to learn to make shoes as well. I love all of these shown and hope to be the lucky winner for these. :-)

Margaret DeBower
Margaret DeBower

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to control my purchases better and to make more doll clothes using my huge stash. Should get a good start because the temperature is too cold to go anywhere.

Vivianne Sloane
Vivianne Sloane

January 01, 2018

For 2018 I hope to sew a lot and take better care of my self


January 01, 2018

cute shoes


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend more time on my sewing projects and finish what I have already started.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is exercising and reading my bible more!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to see 2019 !


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make doll clothes for my granddaughters


January 01, 2018

Wow! So many goals. Finish some ongoing projects, say goodbye to others, spread joy.


January 01, 2018

My goal is to try one new thing (or discover one new place) once a month.

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