12 Days of Christmas - Day 8 January 1st, 2018

Welcome to Day 8 of our 12 Days Of Christmas celebration! And Happy New Year too!

Today we are giving away 8 pairs of shoes for 18" American Girl dolls to one lucky winner! The shoes featured here have been hand-made by the respective designers using their PDF doll shoe patterns! Looking for more shoe patterns? Be sure to check out our doll shoe pattern collection today!

Giveaway Update: Congratulations Margaret!  You've won the shoe package and have been contacted through email.

The items included in today's giveaway are:


More pictures of the shoes included in todays giveaway:


It's 2017  - the time when we start setting new goals for the year! Maybe it's to be a better designer, learn new sewing skills, or launch a craft business selling the items you make from all the patterns available at Pixie Faire! 

To enter simply respond to this post in the comment box below and complete this sentence:

“My goal for 2018 is to…”

Comments must be left (on this blog post) by midnight (Pacific), 1/1/2018.

One entry per person.

No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Must be 18 or older to enter. While we wish we could run this contest everywhere, for legal reasons it is only open to eligible residents of the U.S. and Canada, not including Rhode Island. This contest is exclusively endorsed by Liberty Jane Clothing and Pixie Faire.

The winner will be chosen randomly from the comments received and contacted through the email provided in the comment.

We will choose a winner and update this post tomorrow to let everyone know who won.

Okay, good luck, and if we’ve forgotten anything we will modify and/or update this post as needed.

Happy New Year!

Cinnamon & The Liberty Jane / Pixie Faire Team



January 01, 2018

My goal is to help my granddaughter to make clothes for her dolls.


January 01, 2018

Happy 2018.First goal is to organize my life and home to give me more time to sew my doll clothes. Goal two is to work offf my fabric stash that is too large. I always find such nice fabric in the remnant bin and that is how my stash just keeps growing. And lastly love life


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to stay on top of things that need to be done (i.e.balancing my checkbook, attending to other important paperwork that needs my immediate attention, etc) and become more involved in helping those who have less than I have in any way they might want my help.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to have knee replacement surgery so I can start sewing again.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to become more confident that I can sew something well!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make my granddaughter and 2 great granddaughters outfits for their dolls that they will be so happy and proud of their “grammie” for making them for them. I love my grand and great grands. I will be turning 75 this month so I do not know how long I will have the ability to sew such tiny things. The patterns being offered can be very challenging for me. Right now I can make them and with wlnter and being housebound because of the weather it gives me something to do and be proud of .

Shirley Clark
Shirley Clark

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to just enjoy each day as it comes. My husband had a major heart attack on Dec. 7th, and we are so blessed he got to the hospital in time. I guess one of my goals is to push him to do what he’s supposed to do to get back more heart function. There was no kind of warning or no previous heart trouble. He thought he was taking the flu. So to anyone that reads this, always get checked!


January 01, 2018

My goal in 2018 is to learn how to make professional looking shoes and boots for my granddaughter’s American Girl doll, oh, and to lose 20 lbs. I love all your great patterns and tips! Keep doing what you’re doing…I love it!!!


January 01, 2018

My 2018 goal is live life to the fullest. To laugh, to love and to travel more. My childhood friend past away over the weekend and made me realize to not to sweat the small stuff anymore. You just never know.

Elizabeth G
Elizabeth G

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to learn how to make the shoes and make more outfits from all the lovely patterns that yay have.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to love others like the Lord Jesus Christ loves me.


January 01, 2018

My neice will love them with her new American dolls she received for Christmas


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to reorganize my crafting space and make headway in dressing the dolls who are crying for clothes.


January 01, 2018

My goal is to make time to be creative in 2018. Adorable shoes btw!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be the best I can be with all that I have been blessed with. Eating better…moving more…and of course sewing every chance I have. No more wasting precious time!


January 01, 2018

My goal is to finish cleaning my sewing room by organizing the rest of my projects in containers by project


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be the best I can be with all that I have been blessed with. Eating better…moving more…and of course sewing every chance I have. No more wasting precious time!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is boring and standard, I want to start eating healthier and exercise. I can start this by kicking my Coke (the soda of course) habit. I’m not a coffee drinker so that’s my sugar/caffeine fix.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to love my family and to be at peace after losing my husband in late 2016.

Debbie Erickson
Debbie Erickson

January 01, 2018

Get organized so I can spend more time doing things I love like sewing and crafting!

Lisa Wheaton
Lisa Wheaton

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend some quality time ‘crafting’ with my daughter. :o)


January 01, 2018

My goal is to spend more 1:1 time with my grandkids. I would love to teach my 8 year old granddaughter how to sew this year!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be healthy

Vicki Allen
Vicki Allen

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is take more time for myself!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to sew down my fabric stash, making lots of doll clothes and tote bags for the annual Church Bazaar fundraiser in November! Thanks Pixie Faire for all of the great patterns and the contests! Happy New Year everyone!

wendy loyie
wendy loyie

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend more time with family, learn new things and to clean the sewing room up to a point that I can use it again. :)


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get moved into my new bigger craft room!

Silvia Campos
Silvia Campos

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to is to make a long trip again, just to be with my love!!

Donna Deters
Donna Deters

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is take care of myself. And sew more.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make everyone around me feel special :-).


January 01, 2018

My goals for this year is to learn something new; spend as much time as possible with my young granddaughters and set up an online craft business, using the skills I have and new ones that I want to learn.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to do more…loving my Lord, sewing for grand kids & their dolls and walking.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get my sewing room in some order. After all the Christmas sewing items it looks like a disaster in the room. Love the little shoes they would make many complete outfits for the clothes I’ve already sewn.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be debt free.


January 01, 2018

“My goal for 2018 is to more to be a more advanced doll clothes sewer. I can do easy and basic patterns easily….I really want to move into more historical doll clothes that are intermediate to advanced. I would also like be more active.


January 01, 2018

In the New Year I am going to work hard on promoting my crochet business, spend more time with family and enjoy life

Jeana H
Jeana H

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to tame the fabric monster in my sewing room by finishing all the UFO;s and making a new wardrobe for my grandaughter’s dolls.

Mae Lynn Beck
Mae Lynn Beck

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to manage time a little better so that I get the necessities done but have more time for the fun things.

Sandy Meese
Sandy Meese

January 01, 2018

My 2018 goal is to organize all pdf doll patterns! I won to have them all ran off and the pattern pieces cut out ready to sew!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get down to my goal weight, find a different job, and spend more time sewing! I love making doll clothes, and I have a lot of great patterns ( thanks to Pixie Faire), now I just need the time to work on them! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Christine Plummer
Christine Plummer

January 01, 2018

Can’t wait to see the Grandkids faces for all the new sewing I do for them.

Laura Bagaason
Laura Bagaason

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018, is to find the time to sew more doll clothes!! I do love to sew, and am quite happy when I do ?


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to take pictures of the projects I finish, and to share them as inspiration for others. I also plan to organize my pantry. :)


January 01, 2018

1. Lose weight
2. Organize my sewing room.
3. Spend more time sewing.
4. Start my Christmas sewing before mid December! ?


January 01, 2018

live every day to its fullest!


January 01, 2018

My goal is to complete a wardrobe for my doll and get great tips so I am not dissatisfied with my outcome

Tari S.
Tari S.

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend more time sewing up the wonderful pattern I’ve gotten from Pixie Faire! And, since my first Granddaughter was born this morning, I hope to get the Bitty Baby clothes made for for to use in a few years!!! ?

Carol Davis
Carol Davis

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to download fewer patterns and complete more projects.


January 01, 2018

My goal is to create new projects for 1018 and complete them.


January 01, 2018

2018, i am organizing! After sewing pj’s for the grandies, quilted wall hangings for the girls, and doll clothes all at the same time, i have work to do! make life simpler.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to learn to balance my sewing time between sewing for dolls, quilting and sewing for myself. Lately I find myself sewing more for dolls than anything else. That is not a bad thing, but I have several quilting UFOs and really want to use some of fashion fabric for me.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get to know my Lord and savior better and to finish all the Pixie Faire patterns if bought at least once.

Joy S
Joy S

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make an item from each of my doll patterns that I haven’t had the chance to yet. Wow, what a challenge.


January 01, 2018

My goals for 2018 are to improve my doll clothe’s sewing skills and also my doll shoemaking abilities.

Jaime Mars
Jaime Mars

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to complete more projects and spend less time on the computer… I guess I had better get off of it right now then. LOL


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to improve my sewing skills.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend more time with family,


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get back to sewing fashions, both for myself and for dolls.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to restore some vintage dolls trunks and fill them with beautiful clothes made with Pixie Faire patterns!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to relearn how to sew. I have collected patterns and fabric and just need encouragement to start.


January 01, 2018

My goal for this year is to get organized in all areas of my life!

Judy Hayes
Judy Hayes

January 01, 2018

My goal in 2018 is to sew and sell doll clothes online


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to leave fewer ufo’s (unfinished former projects) in my sewing room. Today I finished 3 projects that were waiting since before the holidays! Yay, me!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to work on completing more projects.

Karen G.
Karen G.

January 01, 2018

“My goal for 2018 is to learn more of God’s Word, loose weight and learn to make AG shoes.


January 01, 2018

My goal in 2018 is to complete the sewing projects I started in 2017 but did not complete before the holidays. I also plan to organize my sewing space and supplies.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make the most of each day, and include some doll clothes making for my granddaughter along the way.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is spending more time with family.

Judy Smith
Judy Smith

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to continue to grow even closer to my family and their needs while not forgetting others.


January 01, 2018

My goal is to finish projects already started by breaking them down into manageable sections thus being able to sew more. Yay!!!

Judy jackson
Judy jackson

January 01, 2018

In 2018 I want to get back to sewing. Want make shoes and clothes for granddaughter s dolls, finish quilts I have started and get back to all parts,of my life.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to fix my house and make more room.

Pat B
Pat B

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to enjoy met recent retirement and find a volunteer position I enjoy.

Michelle Lester
Michelle Lester

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to find my sisters missing Pomeranian or if not, find the ability to accept that he is gone.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend more time sewing things for the little one in my family ,after spending 2 years with out the use of my hand which I broke both in 2016 and surgeries I have gained back a ;ot of the use again Time for my doll making and other crafts


January 01, 2018

After having a heart attack in October, my goal for the new year it to eat healthier and exercise more. I haven’t got time for heart attacks! I have way too much sewing to do so I can use all these fantastic patterns!


January 01, 2018

I have 7 AG dolls looking at me now and pleading for MORE shoes! They would love these!

Stephanie C.
Stephanie C.

January 01, 2018

My goal is to be more active and to let my older children become more independent so I have more time and energy to sew. :)


January 01, 2018

My 2018 plan….sew more, eat less, sew more. Work on community projects thru my quilt guild and purses,purses,purses! The year will go to fast and I have to stay organized. Happy New Year everyone may you reach your goals!

Marlene M Hansen
Marlene M Hansen

January 01, 2018

I want to dress ten dolls with a nice wardrobe to donate to toys for tots or something similar for Christmas 2018.


January 01, 2018

My goals in 2018 are to live a simpler life by getting rid of the unnecessary, unused, and broken things in my life that aren’t working for me. New motto: Less is More! My greatest challenge will be my 2nd Bedroom / sewing room / doll room, currently referred to as “THE BLACK HOLE”…. I need to focus, focus, focus because I tend to be easily distracted. :-(


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to draw closer to God by being obedient to his word.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to be creative every day—whether sewing or cooking or crafting with my kid.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to get more active.

Aimee B
Aimee B

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to spend more time with family, and to enjoy the little moments in life. I also want to make a booklist and read a bunch of books this year! :)

Laura arlington
Laura arlington

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to sew each and every day for mind, body, soul & grandchildren!

Mary R
Mary R

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to embrace retirement and spend lots of time sewing (doll clothes)!

judith hutchings
judith hutchings

January 01, 2018

my goal for 2018 is to make more clothes sewn and knitted for my dolls.

Amy B
Amy B

January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make time for myself, and finish some projects I have been working on! Happy New Year everybody!


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make more clothed for my daughter’s dolls.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to make all the little girls in my life new clothes for their dolls! I love the look on their faces. It makes me very happy to be able to give them things made from the heart


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to swim a half mile twice a week, every week this year.


January 01, 2018

My goal is to get back into making doll clothes my granddaughter is requesting.


January 01, 2018

I have many goals in 2018: to lose weight and to do better running my Facebook weight loss group, to downsize my craft room since I am sewing more now than paper crafting, and to do more volunteer work in our community.


January 01, 2018

Enjoy every day of sewing. Love it.


January 01, 2018

My 2018 goal is to do the things necessary to keep myself healthy

Sally Casagrande
Sally Casagrande

January 01, 2018

“My goal for 2018 is to become more organized”


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to enjoy my self more and to include things I like to do-that includes sewing!


January 01, 2018

2018…wishing and hoping I can accomplish something next to great … like finish projects and help make more charity quilts with our guild.


January 01, 2018

My goal for 2018 is to find time to do more sewing than I did in 2017 especially for my grandkids and the Quilts of Valor.

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